All About Raegan...
Right now she's our life... she takes a lot of patience, time, and attention... but is also the cutest, most entertaining little squirt!

Right now she's our life... she takes a lot of patience, time, and attention... but is also the cutest, most entertaining little squirt!
Recently Raegan has started talking... Her first word was "doh" she said this one day, clear as could be and I thought to myself she has never seen The Simpsons where'd she get that word? I haven't heard her say it since though...
The next word was "dada" the first time I heard her clearly use this word she pointed to the Sprite bottle?!? But now its her favorite word and she uses it often!
She also has said "again" when we do funny things that she likes to laugh at, and she says "muah" when she gives her daddy kisses :)
She also mutters something very similar to "I got it" whenever we put one of her toys in front of her and say "get it Raegan".
So far mama, mom, momma, mommy... aren't in her vocabulary, except when she is upset she will start saying "mmmuummum mmmmummmuummm" hey that's close enough for me ;)
She's not crawling yet, the doctor told her she may just walk before she ever crawls?!? She manages to scoot around pretty good and can pull her self up on a lot of things like the rails of her crib, my leg, etc...
She is also very stubborn, I mean picky... she refuses all food except breastmilk, which makes my job extra hard with taking breaks from work to pump, washing and packing bottles, washing pump parts, waking up every two hours every night to feed her for the last 7 months... the foods we've tried include: avacados, bananas, carrots, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, baby cereal, formula, and gerber puffs...
of those she likes the gerber puffs the best, but for every 1 she eats 10 end up on the floor...
She also has a great personality and laughs when things are funny on her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon every weekday morning and also for some reason laughs when other babies cry?!?
Anyways, she's the center of our world... here are few recent pics...