Friday, July 30, 2010
P31 Woman
Sunday, July 25, 2010
We love weekends!
Just 5 things...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday - White Water Bay Play Day
Philip is my news and weather man, he pays attention to what's going on in the world and gives me updates as need be. So he decided we should refinance, got all the paper work together, met with our bank contact and got it all ready, all I had to do was go with him today and sign like 50 papers. We refinanced our house mortgage and locked in a 4.62% rate, which was much better than we had before when we bought our home in the fall of 2008. Hopefully it will pay off.
We had lasagna for dinner tonight and Raegan got SO messy, I should've taken a picture but instead we took her straight to the tub. Her eyebrows may still be stained lasagna color today at school, it was that bad, lol!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mid Summer weekend
Philip took this video of Raegan Friday evening, because he was impressed with how well she was eating mashed potatoes with her spoon. After Raegan went to bed we watched Rendition, it was a pretty good movie, gotta love Netflix!
Saturday, Raegan and I got out and did some shopping and then visited PetsMart... she would squeal everytime she saw a dog. There were a couple of rescued dogs there for adoption and I thought the little white one would be a good addition to our family, so when Philip got off work I took him up there to see what he thought... we didn't get it : ( I'm not really sad though. I'm not sure if I could handle the responsibility of a dog right now... Saturday morning when Raegan and I got home a man from the yard company was mowing our yard and I noticed three little heads bobbing up and down in the back seat of his truck. It was probably over 100 degrees outside so my first thought was these kids need popcicles! lol! We went out to give them popcicles and I was glad to see that at least the air conditioner was running in the truck so they were ok and happy about the popcicles. We went back in and I made lunch for Raegan and I and watched her grin and giggle. Made me think about how fortunate we are and how much I want the best for Raegan.
This weekend we also took a walk around the neighborhood I saw a tree in one of our neighbor's front yards that looked something like this one.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Philip does a great job at helping take care of and playing with Raegan as well as helping out around the house, but I still find myself very busy! So my Monday started out with waking up before Philip and Raegan to start cinnamon rolls baking (yes that would be the Pillsbury Cinnabon ones out of a can), I threw on an outift for the day, then Raegan woke up and I changed her diaper, took her pajamas off, and set her in her highchair for breakfast. After breakfast I ironed Raegan's yellow polka dot dress and got her dressed. Philip left for work, I put a little makeup on and a clip in my hair and then tried to comb Raegan's wild hair. After misplacing my keys a couple of times we finally made it out the door and I dropped her off at daycare. Today was my flex day but I worked from home on some things for work this morning, then unloaded the dishwasher, made myself lunch, picked up some of Philip's clothes off the floor, cleaned a toilet, put away some of Raegan's toys, and then headed to Norman for a nice coffee date with a good friend. I had a couple of errands to run after getting coffee, so Philip picked up Raegan for me and when I got home she ran and gave me a big hug! She gives the best hugs!
We went on a walk as a family around our neighborhood before dinner and then at dinner Raegan showed us that she knows the sign language sign for 'please' when she signed 'please' then 'more' then said chips. She amazes us with how smart she is. Its obvious that she is thinking in sentences now. She also recognizes pictures in her books and points to things she knows (blueberries), shows us the sign for them (hat) or makes their sound (zzzzzzz). Today we watched Wheel of Fortune and at the end when the crowd was cheering because the contestant won, she started clapping and then put her hand up for me and Philip to give her high fives, without us initiating any of it. She's known the song "if you're happy and you know it" for a long time now, but now she even recognizes it if Philip whistles the tune and she will clap and point to her cheeks at the right times : ) ok maybe I should stop but I just want to remember all these things that seem like a big deal right now that one day will just be "normal."
Before I stop, here's a video of little miss, I had just asked her to put her diapers away and then Philip started this video...
Speaking of smart Philip and I decided to take an online IQ quiz each individually last night, he scored 12 points higher than I did, which on an IQ test is a lot. I'm glad I have such a smart husband, but my competitive nature was a lil jealous he did better than me!
Hope you had a great Monday!
Friday, July 9, 2010
15 Month Checkup
We got to the doctor's office early and spent nearly an hour in the waiting room; thankfully there were other children that kept Raegan entertained. Raegan weighed 19 lbs 6 oz (increase of 1 lb 2 oz from 3 months ago), measured 29 3/4 inches long (increase of 1 1/4 inches), and her head is 19 inches around (increase of 2 inches). I was glad to see she had gained some weight even though she is now only in the 5th percentile for her weight. The doctor said that she's not worried because she is getting enough calories to grow taller, just not enough to gain much weight. (I think that sounds like a problem most of us would like to have ;) Here is a picture of her after she took her tylenol and before her shots.
This next week is going to be a long one, but I'm sure I'll find time next weekend to post again.
Until then...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
4th of July
I’m not really sure why we started blogging, I think we read a friend’s blog and liked the idea so started our own. Now I keep it going mainly to share our stories with family and friends and so that I can look back to remember things that have happened.
Sunday we took a couple boat rides and brought one of the dogs along for the last ride, which Raegan was happy about as by this point she was no longer scared of the dogs which she calls "dauugh, dauugh."