Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011

Today marks the one week anniversary of Raegan sleeping through the night in a twin sized bed all by herself, all on her own accord. So now I have an empty crib that I can’t decide what to do with? Right now if I lower the front side of it, Raegan is able to climb in by herself and likes to use it as a trampoline, but I’m not sure I see this as enough justification to keep it out.

Should we take it down and create a guest room? Should I keep it just in case we ever decide to have another baby? I still can’t believe that at 26 months and 25lbs she’s already decided she’s too big for it!

Besides the Thunder, Raegan is our main source of entertainment these days. Some recent phrases I’ve heard her use:

Get up daddy, I want snack
I want K – E (after Philip tried to spell CAKE thinking Raegan wouldn’t catch on)
Hooray Thunder
I want my blue Thunder (referring to her new Thunder tshirt)
No I’m a baby
No white shoes I want purple shoes
I want pink toes
Come to my room mama
my orange motorcycle
Hurry momma
wait for me daddy
I'm sticky

Sunday, May 15, 2011


For any of you out there reading this, I'm sorry I'm such a poor blog updater... its just that I've been too busy enjoying life to document it; which could also explain why I'm so behind on scrapbooking as well.  I mean who wants to sit with a computer on their lap when they could have a baby on it instead :)

Anyways, we celebrated Mother's Day on May 8th with Philip getting up and making breakfast and then all of us going to church.  We took this picture at church, Raegan really didn't want to take it, but after I got her a cupcake she would at least look at the photographer. 
That afternoon we hung out in our fancy blow up pool ; ) and Philip worked on staining the fence.  It was a nice relaxing weekend!

We had a busy week, with plans to attend a friend's 40th surprise party on Thursday May 12th (Philip's 26th birthday), I baked Philip a cake on Wednesday night.  And he of course let Raegan eat some for breakfast on Thursday. 

Thursday evening I met Philip and Raegan at the house after work about 5 minutes before the babysitter, Tori aka "tt" arrived.  "tt" works at Raegan's daycare and Raegan was completely fine with us leaving.  We went to Bryan's surprise party and then took advantage of having a babysitter and walked around campus corner grabbed some grub at Fuzzy Tacos and frozen yogurt from Orange Leaf.  Friday morning when I went to get Raegan out of her crib the first words out of her mouth were "where's tt?" I'm glad we have been blessed with so many great sitters that Raegan loves.

Check out Bryan's Pacman cake!

In other news: Raegan has been wearing panties for over a week now and is doing GREAT!  It's crazy how much it has made her seem so grown up!  The other day she put on her sun glasses and said "I'm hot," and she wasn't talking about the temperature... : )

Hope you all are enjoying life too!