Sunday, August 12, 2012

Let me out!

26 weeks along

I haven't done a great job at documenting this pregnancy.  Okay I will rephrase that I've done a horrible job.  With Raegan as soon as we found out (albeit a little later than most), I took pictures of my belly, counted down days, picked out a name, decorated a nursery, etc...  Maybe it was the newness of it all.

Honestly, to figure out how far along I was before writing this post I used some online calculator and when people ask me how far along I am (usually accenuating I look like I could pop any minute) I just say I'm not due till mid-November, because I haven't been keeping track. 

Anyways I really am more than 1/2 way there and I know these next couple of months are going to fly by!  We have two trips to Texas planned during August, we are anxiously awaiting some important news from Chick-fil-A, our 5 year anniversary is in September, I will be promoting to Manager at Ernst & Young in October the same day as my birthday actually, and I have a busy season to complete between now and the time this baby is due. 

I do have a name picked out, its just a matter of convincing Philip its the right one : ) don't worry Raegan has been a big help in this process.  Speaking of Raegan, she is so ready to be a big sister, anytime I call her princess, sweetheart, silly, etc... she says, "no, I'm the big sister, Raegan Smith."  She talks to her brother daily, tells him to watch her, reads him books, gets on to him for kicking mommy too hard, gives him hugs and kisses, and tells daddy to give him hugs and kisses too. I can't wait to see them interact with each other, its going to be so special.

Besides my poor tracking, this pregnancy has been so much different than my first.  He is sitting (well swimming) VERY low.  Raegan liked to hang out under my ribs, but I'm afraid that if I sneeze this little boy may just make an early appearance.