Saturday, March 30, 2013

Raegan is 4!

This is my sweet, rambunksish, incredible 4 year old!

She loves to sing and dance, read, color, spell and write her friends and family members' names, pretend, swing at the park, practice gymnastics, give kisses to her little brother, and say the prayer at dinner.  She loves standing on one leg with her arms out and while trying to balance says, "mom watch this... one bunny scout, two bunny scout, three bunny scout..."

I wish I could record all the funny things that come out of her mouth, I usually have my phone with me and I'll jot down some of the funny things she says such as:

Me: Where do you learn all this crazy stuff, school?
Raegan: No, I learn it from Jesus

Philip: Raegan, do you know how to spell spoiled?
Raegan: no
Philip: SPOILED you can also spell it RAEGAN
Raegan: Why'd you spell my name?

Raegan: Because I'm the big sister and I know better

Raegan:when I grow up I want to be Brittney Griner

Me: Raegan, will you please put these sunflower seeds in the kitchen, I was snacking on them
Raegan: Well that's your fault and that's your mess, that's not my fault

She's also so smart.  She can write all of her colors (pink, purple, white, red, blue, green, white, brown, orange, black, & yellow) completely by herself. She can write her numbers 1-10 (that I know of). She can write her first and last name and most all of her friend's names without help.  She draws flowers, smiley faces, hearts, and spirals.  She knows when to yell defense when we are watching basketball : )
She says things like:

"Look mom I've got a pattern, see red, blue, red, blue"
"those are for extra"
"yes, I'm pretty sure"
"there are 6 seats in daddy's car and 4 people in our family so two of my friends can come with us"
"this is in slow motion"
"Hurry up, vamonos"
"even though its Saturday, I have to do my work mommy.  My work is coloring and taking care of my 2 babies"

A few of my favorite pictures of our princess:






Tuesday, March 19, 2013

4 months old

Cameron is four months old!

Here are a couple of momentos:

Weight: 17lbs 8 oz.

Height: 26"

Head Circumference: 17"

Clothes size: 6-9 months

Diaper size: 3

Favorite things to do: laugh and giggle when friends and family tickle him, listen to his loud sister read stories, snuggle with mommy, play peek-a-boo, pull hair, scratch his head, take out and put in his pacifier by himself

New Experiences:
  • can roll over left and right from tummy to back
  • went swimming at the Y with daddy and sister
  • slept from 9:30pm to 5:30am on 3-16-13
  • found his toes, but can't yet put them in his mouth by himself
  • had small tastes of green bean and avocado and liked them both
Yes both my kids have double chins, they get it from their dad : )

 Love this precious boy!