Cameron at 8 months
Cameron is the happiest baby! He loves laughing at his silly sister and crawling after her around the house. He gives sweet cuddles and kisses, but we have to remind him not to bite. Those two little bottom teeth can leave a mark! He is like a puppy in the water. He loves to splash and try to swim in the pool. I think he'll be a good swimmer. He's growing out of clothes fast and I'm hoping that the 12 month clothes I bought for fall/winter will still fit him. He moved to a big boy carseat in mommy's car. His hair is blonde and straight and growing a lot. He babbles a lot and squeals really loud, but we haven't heard many English words. Although of course we like to think he's saying MaMa and DaDa. Cameron is still not sleeping through the night. I'm pretty happy if he goes for a 4 hour stretch without waking me up. He's eating a lot more tiny pieces of table foods in addition to his regular baby food, Baby MumMums, and Puffs. He also already got his first freckle; its on the back of his right knee. Even if he is getting into everything and likes to pull hair, this is such a fun age! He truly is a wonderful blessing!