Sunday, February 23, 2014

Raegan recently

Miss Raegan is nearly five and I'm soaking up every last moment of her still being a little girl!  She sings a song that goes "everyday, I'm growing up, a little bit a little bit more!" 

Here she is playing bingo where she rolls a ball out and then places it in the correct space, I'm glad she can easily entertain herself!

She's a wonderful big sister! When we were at a hotel in KS visiting family, she helped feed Cameron yogurt at the table.  She also lets me know anytime he's doing something he's not suppose to or when he has a stinky diaper!  She sticks up for him around bigger kids as well and shows him off to her friends when we go eat lunch with her at school!

When learning that Q and U go together (are married) Rogan and Raegan got married in class.  He still calls her his wife ;)

In the tub the other night she held up these letters and asked, "is this a consonant and a vowel?" 

Raegan dressed up as a 101 yr old for the 101th day of school afterwards we took the rollers out of her hair and her shawl off and left her cane in the car for her dentist appt.  She did good and even let them take X-rays of her teeth! No cavities!

Raegan is definitely a daddy's girl and they share a love for fishing in the river!  Nearly every one of her prayers includes, "and please help us catch some fish tomorrow."

We are currently planning her princess themed birthday party! Pics to come!