Friday night Philip and I stayed up late watching the Baylor game and then I couldn't sleep well at all due to allergies that came along with the cold front. My misfit watch says I got 2 hrs and 20 minutes of restful sleep Friday night.
During the night I started thinking of how there was no way I would be able to get up and out of the house by 7:30 to be at the church around 8. I even started making up excuses in my head to convince myself of why it was okay if I didn't go. After a couple of hours of sleep Raegan decided it was time to get up and woke me up. My face was in so much pain I asked Philip if it looked like my nose was broken, because it felt that bad. Like maybe this is how it would feel if someone had punched me in the face multiple times. I kept looking in the mirror but my face looked normal. I showered and dryed off in the sauna, drank some coffee and took some sudafed while my sweet husband helped get the kiddos dressed and their sack lunches packed. We left the house about an hour later than we should have, but hey better late than never right!
I actually walked in right before Beth Moore started to teach so all I missed was a little praise and worship singing, which they had at the beginning and end of each of our sessions throughout the day.
There weren't as many people there as I expected there would be, but I found two ladies I knew and sat by them. I knew during that first session that I was suppose to be there that the devil had done everything he could to try and prevent me from going.
I was happy that I didn't take time that morning to put makeup on or contacts because I was in tears within the first hour. I took away many tidbits of advice and encouragement but most the time I was thinking about my female family and friends and how I wished so bad that they could be there to experience and hear the message.
The seminar was very inspirational and also such a great time to just sit, listen, and reflect without any interruptions. The theme was 'Being woman well' which is very hard to explain, but basically we were encouraged through learning about women in the Bible. Beth Moore is an entertaining and motivating speaker. She can make you laugh and may even make you cry. We read this identity declaration and even sang a song with these words. This picture/document is from her ministry's blog at if you'd like to print it for your bathroom mirror or to keep as a book marker you can download it there.
The last 5 words there "blessed is she who believed" is found in Luke 1:45 where Elizabeth is speaking to Mary. I am studying Luke in my new study on Wednesday mornings and had just read this verse the day before.
She also read this to us it's called, 'What does a woman of God look like'
I just wanted to share these thoughts and her blog with you and hope you find some inspiration in them as well.