Wow what a week! After such an eventful weekend, I was exhausted this week, yet I decided to work later each day so that next week I can leave early and pick up Raegan while Philip is at seminar. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband, who picked up Raegan and made dinner each night before I got home!
We got a call Wednesday afternoon from the daycare (I dread seeing their number come up on my phone). Raegan had a 102 temp and they wanted us to come pick her up. Philip was able to leave work and get her and she slept on his chest until I got home. She ran a high fever that whole evening, but it was gone in the morning and she seemed fine so we took her to daycare on Thursday. Before I even got to work the daycare called and said her temp was 101.5 and that I needed to come get her and she shouldn't come back until her fever had been gone for 24 hours. So I went into work and picked up some document so that I could work from home and then went to pick her up from daycare. By the time I got there she wasn't running a fever, but I went ahead and set up a doctor appt for her just in case. At the doctor we found out she has an ear infection in both ears. It was just like 2 weeks ago that her last one went away. At that last appt the doctor gave Philip a prescription that we could put Raegan on antibiotics for 6 -8 weeks as a preventative so that she wouldn't get another ear infection. I thought the idea was silly, why would I put my baby on meds when she was just fine. I paid the price for that one, because she already has ear infections again! Raegan has tried so many antibiotics, it seems like they change to a different one with each ear infection. This time they gave her a shot of Rocephin on Thursday and we started the oral medicine, Azithromycin, Friday evening. Philip stayed home with Raegan on Friday since she still wasn't feeling well. Friday night we tried the first dose of Azithromycin and less than an hour later, Raegan threw up. Philip called the doctor Saturday morning who said to stop giving Raegan the oral medicine and that we need to take her in for two more shots of the Rocephin on Monday and Tuesday. She also said she would give us a reference for an ear, nose, & throat doctor, because we think Raegan would benefit from getting tubes in her ears. I've read about the procedure and it only takes like 15 minutes and she won't be at the hospital except for a couple hours. If possible we are going to try to get it done this week.
I'm not sure if its because she's been sick or if she's just going through a phase, but Raegan has had severe separation anxiety this week. If either Philip or I walk out of the room, she starts bawling. Its been really hard leaving her at daycare, because she used to be so happy and not mind at all when we left her at daycare. Now I just walk from our living room to the study and she starts crying as if she'll never see me again :( My solution has been to wear her in a sling so that I can still get things done and she stays happy :)
Raegan and I went to Nakona's (a little boy in her class at daycare) 1st birthday party on Saturday. He had a spiderman party and we got her spiderman pajamas and a spiderman hat. Raegan desperately wanted a piece of cake and was grabbing people's plates at the party trying to get to it, but I only let her have animal crackers. She'll get her first taste of cake at her first birthday party. I've been trying to plan her party for awhile now. I was hoping to reserve a room at the library and have it there, but when I called Saturday all the rooms at the Moore Library are booked for every Saturday and Sunday through the end of April! :/ so now I'm not sure what to do? I think having it inside our house would be too crowded and noisy! I'd love to have it outside, but there's no guarantee that we will have nice weather. So I'm still debating on a location... any suggestions will be appreciated!We plan on having a birthday party for her here in Oklahoma with her friends and then one in Texas with family, while we are there for David and Stephanie's wedding.
Hope you all had a great week... I think I just heard a chicken in our backyard!
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