Raegan officially turned one this past Wednesday, March 24th. She still weighs 18 lbs, is walking petty well and can stand up on her own without having to pull up on something, say's "up", "dada", "mama", and "again", she gives hugs and kisses, loves to talk on the phone, claps, and waves. Needless to stay she keeps us entertained.
The other day I was hanging up clothes in our closet, which is attached to our master bath, when I heard, "splash, splash" I turned around and Raegan had her hand in the toilet playing with the water! So disgusting I couldn't believe she did that! Now we have to be very certain to always put the lid all the way down, or I could buy the toilet seat locks?!? We haven't bought any cabinet/drawer/door locks yet, Raegan knows how to open them and often gets in some of my makeup drawers or kitchen cabinets and throws things out, but its hasn't been a big problem for us.
We went to the Baylor Sweet 16 game Friday March 26th and there were so many Baylor fans at the game, it was great to see all the green and gold! The first half everyone was pretty loud, but we had such a big lead in the second half that the game was pretty boring! We left after Baylor won, instead of staying to watch the Duke vs. Purdue game and went to Lauren and Nathan's house to stay the night. They have a very pretty two story home in Houston. Raegan was amazed by the stairs and showed us that she knew how to climb up them! Raegan got to open a birthday present from Nathan and Lauren and she got a 1st Easter bib, a nite time glow seahorse, and a Good Morning, Good Night book. Lauren and Nathan have a gorgeous bengal cat named Mia, that was terrified of Raegan. http://www.encorebengals.com/ I'm not a big fan of cats, but if I did have one, I'd get one of these. 
Saturday morning Lauren made us apple cinnamon muffins and then we packed up and headed to Dallas. Saturday we had lunch and celebrated Raegan's birthday with Philip's parents, my parents, and my little sister and brother at Chick-fil-A. Raegan had a pink and green butterfly cake. She got lots of cute summer outfits, more pop-up books, her first laptop, sunglasses, and a super cute stuffed elephant that she liked so much she kissed! Saturday evening we left Raegan at the hotel with the grandparents and went to David and Stephanie's wedding at Royal Lane Baptist Church. The wedding was beautiful and their reception on the top floor of the Thanksgiving tower was even more beautiful as we could see all of Dallas at sunset. Texas sunsets are so pretty! We got back home in time to watch the Baylor men's basketball team play Duke, it was a good game, but they didn't make it into the final 4. The Baylor girls did beat Duke Monday night to advance to the final four though!
I took Friday April 2nd off, but since Raegan's daycare was having an Easter egg hunt I took her up there for it. They basically just poured all the eggs in the middle of the floor and then let all the litte ones play in them! It was good practice for the Easter Egg hunt our homeowner's association held on Saturday. Raegan learned to pick up the eggs and place them in her basket and I replaced the candy with goldfish crackers. She's such a smart little girl, she'd pick two eggs out of her basket and shake both of them and then whichever one made noise she'd open it.
On Sunday we went to the early service at church and then had this "great" idea to pave the area in front of our front porch where the grass doesn't grow well. We bought 45 8'' x 16'' paver stones and tore out the stones that were already there, dug up some of the dirt to make it more even, laid out this black ground covering and then laid the paver stones, but I could see the foundation and decided I didn't like the way it looked so we put the paver stones back in my car and Philip took them back and bought 16 bags of concrete instead. We took a break to go to our friend's two years old's birthday party at 2pm and then got back to business once we got home. We only had a 5 gallon bucket instead of a wheel barrel so I played the water girl, while Philip lifted the 80 lb bags of concrete to mix with the water. It was a hard task, but eventually (2 large black trash cans full, 1 very flooded yard, 4 muddy shoes, 4 concrete dusted hands, and 1 attention-hungry baby later ) we got it done. I was too buy to get any pics of our "project" but here's another pic of Raegan :)
Monday Philip and I both went back to work, Philip definitely didn't get a day of rest this week. Around lunch time I got call from the daycare (these are never bearers of good news). Raegan had a fever off 101, I old them it was probably because she's cutting two teeth and to give her some tylenol and let me know if it doesn't get better. I get a call a few hours later saying her temp is now 104! I was working about 30 miles North so Philip went and picked up Raegan and called the doctor's office who told him to take her straight to the ER. The ER in Moore had a minimum 1 1/2 wait so he took her to Norman and was able to get right in. At the ER she was breathing really heavy so they checked her lungs which were okay, and then did some tests to see if she had a bladder infection, those tests came back negative so they gave her Motrin. About 5 minutes later her fever was gone and she seemed back to her usual self, smiling and playing!