Update after ear tube surgery...
To prepare for the surgery Raegan wasn't allowed to eat after midnight Wednesday night. As her surgery was scheduled for 7:30am, this wouldn't seem like a big deal to most; however, Raegan still eats on a newborn schedule (i.e. every 2 -3 hours). Yes I have woke up every night for the past 11 months to feed her in the middle of the night. So I feed Raegan right before midnight and she slept until 2:47, when I had to have Philip rock her back to sleep instead of nursing her. The time between 2:47 and 5 o'clock is kinda blur, but consisted of crying, changing a diaper, rocking, playing lullabies on the ihome, pumping 2 bottles, and more crying. I think I caught a nap between 5 - 5:30 and then woke up, bathed Raegan, and ate breakfast before we had to leave for the surgery at 6:15am. We arrived a little late, filled out a lot of paper work, I drank a cup of coffee, and then had the risks and procedures explained to us. They weighed Raegan at 18 lbs. (same weight since she was 5 months old), checked her heart rate, and stuck a thermometer sticker to her forehead. Philip and I weren't able to go into the surgery room with Raegan. Instead nurses came over with a white glove blown up like a balloon (you know the kind that look like cow utters) and Raegan was sold, she went to them and didn't even notice that we weren't going with her.
The surgery went well and was very quick, it actually took longer for Raegan to wake up from the surgery then it did for them to put her under and do the surgery. When Raegan woke up, they came and got us and I nursed her until they told us she was good to go. She seemed a little sluggish/tired for awhile, but soon was back to normal. I went ahead and worked from home after we got home, just so I could keep a close eye on her.
Anyways, thank you for your prayers, we are so thankful everything went well.
Here is a pic of Raegan patting her babydoll on the back.

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