Favorite things to do:
Make mommy and daddy play ring around the rosie with you
Squeal when you see a dog
Spin around in circles
Go outside
Make mommy and daddy play ring around the rosie with you
Squeal when you see a dog
Spin around in circles
Go outside
Draw on your magnadoodle
Play in water
Words we can understand you say: outside, toes, diaper, mom, dad, dada, daddy, momma, mine, yes, no, milk, nurse, dog, kitty cat, shoes, hi, bow, door, go
Signs you use: milk, please, hat, eat, more, help, water and nightnight
You understand when we say: kick your legs (when you are playing in the tub), go find it (when we are looking for something), and get in your chair (when its time to eat).
Words we can understand you say: outside, toes, diaper, mom, dad, dada, daddy, momma, mine, yes, no, milk, nurse, dog, kitty cat, shoes, hi, bow, door, go
Signs you use: milk, please, hat, eat, more, help, water and nightnight
You understand when we say: kick your legs (when you are playing in the tub), go find it (when we are looking for something), and get in your chair (when its time to eat).
Biggest accomplishments: you went potty in the toilet by yourself, you know how to brush your own teeth, you’ve learned to say please when you really want something, you finally have enough hair for pigtails, you always want to turn off the lights with daddy when its time to go to bed, and you always give us kisses before we lay you down at night.
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