So for Thanksgiving, my family who normally goes to Kansas to see my mom's side of the family, decided to stay in Midland since 3 of my siblings were going to be there too. Philip's busiest day of the year is usually the day after Thanksgiving, i.e. "Black Friday," which this year meant his store opened at 5AM and he needed to be there before that Friday morning. So we spent Thanksgiving in Tulsa with my Great Aunt Jackie, Great Uncle Terry, their children, and their grandchildren. Jackie is my mom's aunt and Terry was our pastor at our wedding. It was great to spend time with family, enjoy great food, and relax. Raegan and her 2nd cousin-once-removed, Whitten, got to play together. He has big blue eyes and chubby cheeks; he reminds me of a cabbage patch doll I used to have; just adorable! I'm so thankful for so many things such as:
- my husband/ best friend who loves me unconditionally and supports me in so many ways
- my precious baby girl who gives me great, big, squeeze me tight, hugs like she never wants to let go
- my family who is always there for me
- my friends that inspire and encourage me
- our home, that although is not often clean, is safe and warm and already decorated for Christmas
- our careers that give us flexibility and financial security
As we enter this Christmas season, my goal is for it not to be centered around materialism. Its so hard for us when we get emails with enticing coupons, work in a mall filled with goodies, and see advertising everywhere we look. Raegan likes our great big Christmas tree and the "balls" (i.e. ornaments) decorating it and she likes "papa" (i.e. Santa) too. I want her to enjoy Christmas, but I also hope that it will give us an opportunity to teach her about Jesus.
Well the dynamic duo just woke up, so I have to get back to my wife/mommy duties. Hope you all are having a great weekend!
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