Slideshow of Cameron's newborn pictures - ENJOY!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012
Cameron is One Month Old at his 2 week dr. appointment he weighed 9lbs 9oz here are a couple of other momentos:
Clothes size: 0-3 months
Diaper size: 1
Favorite thing to do: snuggle with mommy
New Experiences:
Clothes size: 0-3 months
Diaper size: 1
Favorite thing to do: snuggle with mommy
New Experiences:
- First restaurant outing was at Ricky's Cafe with Papa and Gigi Houdyshell on November 24th
- First Thanksgiving spent at home with mom, dad, Gigi, Papa, Aunt Jennifer, and Raegan
- First road trip to Kansas for Beasley family Thanksgiving Dec 1st
- First stroller ride and trip to the park Dec 3rd
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Christmas Spirit
I just want to take a minute to let everyone know how awesome my husband is. I know it may seem like I do this a lot, but I don't feel like I do it nearly enough.
Last Sunday we took Cameron to his first church service. Raegan didn't want to go into her 'older 3s' class because her best friend, Reese, wasn't there. So of course her daddy who is wrapped around her little finger asked one of the teachers in the 2 year old room where our neighbor, Payton, was if Raegan could go in there. They of course let her, and since she is so little she fit right in with the two year olds.
After church we made our first grocery trip with 2 children. I was so thankful to have Philip with me, because I'm not sure it would have gone as smoothly without him. He's so good at getting us in and out of there quickly, because he doesn't get as distracted as I do. But it was on our way out of the grocery store that Philip really impressed me.
While we were shopping an older man came up from behind us holding Raegans big, red, velvet bow and said I think this may be yours. It must have fallen out of her side ponytail when she got so excited that I was letting her get Perry fruit snacks. We thanked him for picking it up and bringing it to us.
Probably 20 minutes later we were in the checkout lane and that same elderly man with a Christmas tree box in his shopping cart and his wife in a motorized chair with canned goods in her basket were behind us. I wouldn't have even noticed, but Philip did and quietly asked the cashier to add a giftcard to our purchase but to apply it to the elderly couple's purchase. She looked at him a little oddly (like this isn't Starbucks, no one does pay it forward at Walmart). Then she looked at the couple, I wonder if she thought they might be our grandparents, since I was putting the lady's cans from her basket and up on the belt for her.
The couple didn't know Philip bought a giftcard to pay for their shopping trip that day and we left without getting to see the expression on their faces when they found out, but that's okay because it sure did feel good to give to someone when they weren't expecting it.
I'm so thankful for a husband who gives so much to others and always thinks of others above himself. I'm proud to be his wife.
Last Sunday we took Cameron to his first church service. Raegan didn't want to go into her 'older 3s' class because her best friend, Reese, wasn't there. So of course her daddy who is wrapped around her little finger asked one of the teachers in the 2 year old room where our neighbor, Payton, was if Raegan could go in there. They of course let her, and since she is so little she fit right in with the two year olds.
After church we made our first grocery trip with 2 children. I was so thankful to have Philip with me, because I'm not sure it would have gone as smoothly without him. He's so good at getting us in and out of there quickly, because he doesn't get as distracted as I do. But it was on our way out of the grocery store that Philip really impressed me.
While we were shopping an older man came up from behind us holding Raegans big, red, velvet bow and said I think this may be yours. It must have fallen out of her side ponytail when she got so excited that I was letting her get Perry fruit snacks. We thanked him for picking it up and bringing it to us.
Probably 20 minutes later we were in the checkout lane and that same elderly man with a Christmas tree box in his shopping cart and his wife in a motorized chair with canned goods in her basket were behind us. I wouldn't have even noticed, but Philip did and quietly asked the cashier to add a giftcard to our purchase but to apply it to the elderly couple's purchase. She looked at him a little oddly (like this isn't Starbucks, no one does pay it forward at Walmart). Then she looked at the couple, I wonder if she thought they might be our grandparents, since I was putting the lady's cans from her basket and up on the belt for her.
The couple didn't know Philip bought a giftcard to pay for their shopping trip that day and we left without getting to see the expression on their faces when they found out, but that's okay because it sure did feel good to give to someone when they weren't expecting it.
I'm so thankful for a husband who gives so much to others and always thinks of others above himself. I'm proud to be his wife.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
A New Tradition
On Sunday Raegan received a package in the mail from Santa Claus. It was The Elf on the Shelf and Philip read the book to her and Cameron right away. Raegan named her elf Dora.
Tuesday morning Raegan found that Dora had rearranged the letters in Cameron's room and was sitting michieviously up on his shelf. 
Thursday morning the elf decided to keep an eye on Raegan and she found him riding her PINK dog up on the yellow shelf above her kitchen.
Friday morning Raegan found the elf hanging upside down looking at herself in the mirror. Raegan thought this was pretty funny!
This morning Raegan found the elf back on our kitchen table, this time it looks like she's been eating one of our cookies.
We are having fun with Elf on the Shelf. Raegan asks LOTS of questions and likes to show the elf her toys, art work, booboos, new cups, etc...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Cameron's Birth Story - with details
I went to my last doctor's appointment on Monday November 12th with Dr. Cherry. I was dilated to a 4 and the doctor told me a couple of suggestions to get the baby to come. Such as these suggestions. My mom was planning on coming in town on Friday so my plan was to wait till Thursday evening to try these suggestions. We also were planning on going to see Michael Jr. (comedian) perform at our church on Thursday evening (Nov. 15th). Thursday morning I took Raegan to a La Leche League meeting in Norman, as it had been awhile since we had been to one and she didn't fully understand how the baby would drink my milk. After the meeting Raegan and I met up with my friend, Laura, her son, Mason and her niece Ellie for lunch and to play at the park. Laura is also pregnant and due in February. I told her I wanted to go into labor that night or early Friday morning and she was like well lets do squats, I told her no way I didn't want to have him in the park, plus then I'd miss out on Michael Jr., lol!
Philip met us up at the park, which was great because he brought me a water and pushed Ellie and Raegan on the swings while Laura and I kept an eye on Mason. That evening we got Raegan ready for bed and in her pajamas before heading to church to see Michael Jr. At the event we had popcorn, hot cocoa, lots of candy, and LOTS of laughs! As soon as we got home Philip moved Raegan from the carseat to the stroller and even though it was after 10pm and very dark, we went for a walk (one of the suggestions to start labor). We walked for at least 25 minutes around our neighborhood, before deciding it was getting too cold for Raegan to be outside.
Around 2am I woke up with contractions. This had happened before and then they had subsided, so I wasn't sure it was the real deal. I got out of bed and walked around the house mainly in the kitchen since there was a clock in there. I was really hoping my water would break so that I would know for sure it was time. My contractions were strong but not very consistent. Sometimes they were 2 minutes apart but other times they were like 6 minutes apart. At 3 o'clock I decided to wake up Philip and let him know it may be time. He started rushing around like I knew he would. Luckily all our bags were already packed and in my car. I was kinda thinking we might could wait till 6:30am so that we could just drop off Raegan at school, but Philip knew better and went across the street and knocked on our neighbors door at 3:30am to drop off Raegan. I called my mom who was staying the night in Amarillo to let her know we were going to the hospital.
Philip was a horrible driver on the way to the hospital, he went through multiple yellow/turning red lights and I was upset and told him he was the worst driver ever and that we'd be lucky if we made it to the hospital. He found a parking spot at the hospital and we walked with a pause or two for contractions to the front door of the hospital. Since it was 3:30am the front doors were locked and Philip had to press this intercom button, he told them his wife was ready to have a baby and they asked if we had been sent over from the ER, he said no we always just go this way up the stairs to labor and delivery. "Always" as if we do this all the time... : )
We got upstairs and Philip went down the wrong hallway to a nurse station and said "we're ready to have a baby" she said "wrong place" go back through...yada yada.. .I was upset that Philip led us the wrong way and walking was getting more difficult for me. We walked past the room I delivered Raegan in and made it to the right nurses station. They said "can we help you", Philip just said "we're ready to have a baby". I'm not sure any of them believed us. The gave us a sheet of paper to fill out which I started but then let Philip finish. One of the nurses made the comment that I wasn't screaming but I wasn't smiling either. We went into triage, where I put on a hospital gown and was told to pee in a cup, I accidentally dropped the cup in the toilet and had to have Philip get me a new one! They put me on a monitor to track my contractions and then checked me. She asked me how my pain was on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the worst and I told her maybe a 6. It was then 4am and I was dilated to a 5, so the nurse told me they would admit me then went out to the hallway and told the other nurses "she's a 5." We gathered our stuff, well Philip gathered my stuff and we walked slowly down the hallway to the corner suite. They hooked up more monitors and I asked if I would still be able to get up and walk around if I needed to and Philip told them we would need the birthing ball and squat bar like we had last time. I think they thought we were nuts. The nurse who was in triage with me was about to leave as her shift was almost over so nurse Alice came in. She was a large, elderly woman with graying hair, I wasn't so sure I wanted her to be my nurse. She gave me an IV ( I hate those things!) and then checked me again. It was 4:30am and she said I was at a 7 to 8, that brought a HUGE smile to my face, I couldn't believe just a short walk down the hallway and 30 minutes had brought me that far already! The contractions were very strong but not as painful as when I was in labor with Raegan. Alice pulled out the stirrups for my feet and said, "you're going to have this baby this morning before breakfast" I was like seriously this is nuts! It was pretty obvious that Alice had been at quite a few births and knew what to do, she didn't leave my side except for to get me some ice chips to munch on. Then she did something I really, really didn't like. She decided to check me WHILE I was having a contraction! AHHH! I said get your fingers out of there! She then said I was at a 9 during the contraction, I was pretty mad at this point and this news didn't bring the same kind of smile that the 7-8 one did. I felt like she was rushing and I just wanted to take a break.
I labored for a little longer and then Dr. Cherry came in to tell us that he was there and headed to make rounds and to let us know if we needed him. He turned to head out of the room, but then Alice said do you want to break her water, that's the only thing holding this baby in there. So he broke my water and I felt relieved for a second, he walked out the door and then in pain I screamed, "He's coming!" Alice started pushing the emergency button on my hospital bed and when I opened my eyes my legs were up on the stirrups the baby nurse was getting things ready for the baby in the corner of the room another nurse was in there, Dr Cherry was there, there were bright overhead lights on and they were telling me to push, not the lights, but somebody was. I was pushing but still trying to breathe like through a contraction. Alice was patient and told me to take a deep breath and then bear down and hold it. Then they said hold it for 10 seconds, I remember yelling out "then count!" I was in far too much pain to be counting to 10. Oh and I got so hot, I was yelling for a fan, Philip grabbed the next best thing a magazine and started fanning me off. During each contraction I'd try to sit up so it didn't hurt as bad. Alice told me the baby didn't like me sitting on his head and I told her I didn't care what the baby liked. There was lots of screaming (Alice told me "honey I don't need the noise just push") and I may have hit nurse Alice a couple of times during those painful pushes... Dr. Cherry took extra care to make sure I didn't tear and with a couple more pushes he was born at 5:33am. He weighed 8lbs 9 ounces, was 21 inches long and his head was 14inches around.
Dr. Cherry lifted him up and said whats this little boy's name and Philip without hesitation said, "Truett Tyler" I smiled, thanked nurse Alice and apologized to her, and tried to breathe normally while they placed his little warm purple body on my chest. Moments later, (apparently after Philip had already texted some family and friends with the baby's measurements and name) I was staring at my precious little boy and told Philip we could name him Cameron Tyler, which is the name Philip had wanted all along. Sorry for any identity crisis we may have caused Cameron!
My mom arrived soon afterwards and then Philip went and picked up Raegan so she could come see her liitle brother.
We are so thankful for our perfect little boy and I'm so thankful labor didn't last long.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
First 5 days...
Cameron Tyler Smith
Friday November 16, 2012
Sunday November 18th, 2012
Monday November 19th, 2012
Tuesday November 20th, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
almost there!
Last few days of being pregnant...
The doctor and I both thought this baby would be early, but things have been so much better since I have taken off work that I think the baby has changed his mind and is enjoying staying in there : ) Our original due date was November 18th based on mine and Philip's calculations, but at the 30 weeks sonogram the due date showed as 11-11-12. Well today is the 14th, so we are past that date and just waiting to see when he will decide to come. My mom should be here Friday so I'm hoping he will hold off till then.
I think we are just going to wait to see him before we decide on a name for our little boy.
Early in the morning on Nov 5th I had 2 hours of strong contractions, Philip got Raegan ready and put our hospital bags in the car ready to go, and then my contractions subsided and I went back to sleep. I didn't feel anymore real contractions like this until yesterday morning (well 3am on the 13th) they lasted for about an hour and a half and felt like really painful stomach pains that would come and go. Raegan woke up during this time and I think me turning my attention to taking care of her instead of concentrating on my contractions made them stop coming. I've gained 49 lbs and I'm at least 44" around, but I don't think this baby will be quite as big as Raegan was. He's definitely stonger, but the doctor hasn't made any comments about him being too big yet. Philip is guessing 9lbs 10 ounces! yikes!
I'm not sure if I'll ever be fully ready for this baby to be here, but we are getting closer that's for sure.
Hopefully the next blog post will have pictures of our family of 4!
Love him!
We fall asleep holding hands, can't begin to explain how much I love this man!
Also while Raegan and I were at the baby shower, Philip went up to Babies R Us and bought me this diaper bag and surprised me with it later that evening. I totally wasn't expecting him to buy me anything. He's such a sweetheart!
Isn't that a stylish diaper bag!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Halloween Costumes
So last year I was wa really awesome mom, who hand made this owl costume (okay so I ordered the hat off Etsy, but the rest I made). Raegan won costume contests and I took her to every fall/halloween event/activity we knew about. However circumstances (including the thought of being 38 weeks pregnant this Halloween) have changed things.
2 years ago I bought a bumble bee costume off craigslist for $10, Raegan was 19 months old and wore it, but I'm not sure it mattered to her at all what she was for Halloween. She saw the costume when we were cleaning out her closet in August and wanted to try it on...needless to say she really liked the way she looked in her bumble bee costume (see that smile!)
The top is only 9-12 months, but fits besides being short on her arms and the rest still fits great! Raegan is very excited about being a bumble bee again and I'm just really excited I don't have to spend any money or time getting a new costume this year.
This pose in the picture below is Raegan's signature funny pic pose. She does it a lot; I don't know where she got it from?
All about Raegan
Isn't she precious! She knows it too... couple of recent convos with our 3 1/2 year old:
Raegan: Not tell me again, I already know that mom
Raegan: Mom do you have a lady in your hello to tell us how to get to Emily's house, because we don't know how to get there because its far far away, right mom
Me: No I don't have a lady in my hello, only daddy does
Raegan: Well you need to get one
Raegan: How come daddy has a lady in his hello, how'd she get in there?
Me: She lives in there, she's a robot
Raegan: I don't like robots, they're mean
Me: She's a nice robot
Philip: Pick two books Raegan
Raegan: We read this one and this one and then these (pointing at 2 more) 'tay daddy
Raegan: 'Tay daddy, 'tay
Philip: (with a grin) okay but only because you're so cute!
after reading the first two books
Raegan: Now we read these because I'm so tute!
Philip: Raegan do you like Wesley Tyler?
Raegan: No, Truett Tyler
Philip: but Wesley Tyler is a good name
Raegan: No I like Truett Tyler, because that's a boys name and I like that name so lets stop talking about it.
Raegan talking to her baby doll: How many times I tell you, go to sleep now!
Raegan: Mommy is I a good girl?
Me: Yes Raegan you are
Raegan: Then Santa is gonna come to my house, yea I'm so excited! Bubba are you excited?
Raegan: Mommy I don't remember how I came out of your tummy?
Me: I do
Raegan: Tell me
Me:You came out of my tummy and you were all purple and the nurse said look at the rolls on that kid!
Raegan: The doctor opened the door?
Me: Yep
Raegan: Why?
Me: Because you were ready to come out
Raegan: But Bubba is ready to come out
Me: Well its not time yet, the door is still locked
Raegan: Who put me in your tummy and locked the door?
Me: God
Raegan: Oh...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Oklahoma State Fair - our first time
My favorite animal from the animal barn - an Appaloosa Horse
Raegan cheering on pig #2 in the pig races
Ice cream - our treat at the fair, Raegan didn't like her M&M blast ice cream cone, so I traded her and she ate my Oreo one
I'd say it was a successful afternoon!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Trip to Grammee's house
Wearing her overalls to help Papa water the horses, this is Precious and John. You have to wear your overalls on the farm : ) Love this girl!
Cheesing for the camera while sitting on Grammee's green bucket, she's growing up so fast!
Happy 3 1/2 birthday to Raegan! Baking cookies at Grammee's house - what could be better : )
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sept. 21, 2012
Life has been super busy, but while I was talking to my mom on the phone this morning she asked if I still kept up with this blog. I always think about things, like oh I should remember to write that down, but I don't get to the computer with free time to write them out very often... so this one's for you mom ; )
It's Friday night and we are enjoying a family night and sitting on the couch watching Baylor play the University of Louisiana Monroe and I decided half time would be perfect for updating the blog.
I am 32 weeks along... and feeling MISERABLE! I'm 42 1/2" around (I was 42 inches around right before I had Raegan), I've also gained 38 lbs. so I'm about on track with the 50 lbs I gained when I was pregnant with Raegan. I had to explain to the doctor this morning that I'm not worried about gaining a lot of weight and I'll probably just have a big baby again. I'm also working a busy season right now, which means 50-60 hours of work a week, which I am certain does not make this more enjoyable. I try to keep reminding myself that things will be harder after he is born and that I will miss being pregnant.
Here is a picture from 9/11/12 of our active baby boy.
With all that's going on, we decided next week would be a good one to send Raegan to spend time with Philip's parents. She loves going to see her Grammee and Papa, visiting her cousins and great grandmother, and of course Precious, her horse. Speaking of Miss R here are a few more of Raegan's funny sayings:
- "Mom come wipe me" "why" "just because I love you SO much"
- Mommy do you love daddy so much?
- Clap for Raegan
-here's my number, so call me maybe
-I'm a Baylor girl
-That's not a touchdown thats a touch up
-Are you pregnant?
-I love my sisters so much
- Yea! I'm so excited
-5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off
-there's one inside and two outside, that's three mom
-Mommy you be nice or I go to school without you
-I like daddy's hello case very much
-ask daddy please you have more ice cream, ask him that
-if you a girl you say "yes ma'am"
-I have to make cupcakes, my grammee said make cupcakes, so I am
She's such a little chatter box and so very enertaining!
Here is a sneakpeek Jamie Krishner shared with us. She donated a photography package for a YWCA silent auction that Philip and I won. Raegan was cooperative for most of the session, so I can't wait to see more!
Life has been super busy, but while I was talking to my mom on the phone this morning she asked if I still kept up with this blog. I always think about things, like oh I should remember to write that down, but I don't get to the computer with free time to write them out very often... so this one's for you mom ; )
It's Friday night and we are enjoying a family night and sitting on the couch watching Baylor play the University of Louisiana Monroe and I decided half time would be perfect for updating the blog.
I am 32 weeks along... and feeling MISERABLE! I'm 42 1/2" around (I was 42 inches around right before I had Raegan), I've also gained 38 lbs. so I'm about on track with the 50 lbs I gained when I was pregnant with Raegan. I had to explain to the doctor this morning that I'm not worried about gaining a lot of weight and I'll probably just have a big baby again. I'm also working a busy season right now, which means 50-60 hours of work a week, which I am certain does not make this more enjoyable. I try to keep reminding myself that things will be harder after he is born and that I will miss being pregnant.
Here is a picture from 9/11/12 of our active baby boy.
I think he looks a lot like Raegan, here is a picture of her when she was 1 week old...
See that bottom lip and chubby cheeks?
With all that's going on, we decided next week would be a good one to send Raegan to spend time with Philip's parents. She loves going to see her Grammee and Papa, visiting her cousins and great grandmother, and of course Precious, her horse. Speaking of Miss R here are a few more of Raegan's funny sayings:
- "Mom come wipe me" "why" "just because I love you SO much"
- Mommy do you love daddy so much?
- Clap for Raegan
-here's my number, so call me maybe
-I'm a Baylor girl
-That's not a touchdown thats a touch up
-Are you pregnant?
-I love my sisters so much
- Yea! I'm so excited
-5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off
-there's one inside and two outside, that's three mom
-Mommy you be nice or I go to school without you
-I like daddy's hello case very much
-ask daddy please you have more ice cream, ask him that
-if you a girl you say "yes ma'am"
-I have to make cupcakes, my grammee said make cupcakes, so I am
She's such a little chatter box and so very enertaining!
Here is a sneakpeek Jamie Krishner shared with us. She donated a photography package for a YWCA silent auction that Philip and I won. Raegan was cooperative for most of the session, so I can't wait to see more!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Perido y encontrado
Reason # 976853 why I love my husband so much:
I took Raegan to the library last Friday after I picked her up from school. She loves to go pick out new books, play on the touch screen computers, put puzzles together, and make new friends. She ran in Friday and fell in love with this book :
She picked it off the shelf herself and went and sat at a table and started "reading" it in her loudest voice, so all could hear. The librarians there are great and found this to be the cutest thing and then asked if they could video tape her reading sometime, because it was just too cute. I think Raegan liked the attention because she just kept going and going. I went on to find some books with read along cds and never had to worry about where she was because I could hear her reading from across the large room.
Anyways, Raegan finished "reading" this book and carried it with her from one activity to the next in the library. I tried multiple times to explain to her that I couldn't read that book and maybe we could get one in English instead. She insisted that she needed this book and when I would conveinently forget to pick it up after we set it down to play on the computer or do a puzzle, she'd always make sure to run back and get it.
Philip had a very long day Friday, setting up by himself to sell CFA sandwiches from 3 different locations throughout the OU stadium. With wind gusts over 50 mph one of his tent locations went down, meaning the metal posts actually broke due to the force of the wind and his menu signs were lost. Major setback the day before the first home game. Thankfully, our good friend/fellow operator Mike down the street had an extra one in storage that Philip was able to borrow (although that did include killing a black widow spider to get to it, but that's another story). Philip made it home for dinner before 8 and took on the challenge of reading Raegan's lovely book. Raegan handed it to him and said, "daddy, can you read this?" He took it like any other book and started reading it in Spanish, he sounded nearly fluent as if he spoke the language everyday, he actually seemed to be enjoying the story, at least more than Raegan and I did as we clearly had no idea what was going on besides what we could gain looking at the simplistic pictures. I'm sure his highschool spanish teachers would be as proud of him as I was and I'm thankful that he is such a wonderful daddy.
I took Raegan to the library last Friday after I picked her up from school. She loves to go pick out new books, play on the touch screen computers, put puzzles together, and make new friends. She ran in Friday and fell in love with this book :
She picked it off the shelf herself and went and sat at a table and started "reading" it in her loudest voice, so all could hear. The librarians there are great and found this to be the cutest thing and then asked if they could video tape her reading sometime, because it was just too cute. I think Raegan liked the attention because she just kept going and going. I went on to find some books with read along cds and never had to worry about where she was because I could hear her reading from across the large room.
Anyways, Raegan finished "reading" this book and carried it with her from one activity to the next in the library. I tried multiple times to explain to her that I couldn't read that book and maybe we could get one in English instead. She insisted that she needed this book and when I would conveinently forget to pick it up after we set it down to play on the computer or do a puzzle, she'd always make sure to run back and get it.
Philip had a very long day Friday, setting up by himself to sell CFA sandwiches from 3 different locations throughout the OU stadium. With wind gusts over 50 mph one of his tent locations went down, meaning the metal posts actually broke due to the force of the wind and his menu signs were lost. Major setback the day before the first home game. Thankfully, our good friend/fellow operator Mike down the street had an extra one in storage that Philip was able to borrow (although that did include killing a black widow spider to get to it, but that's another story). Philip made it home for dinner before 8 and took on the challenge of reading Raegan's lovely book. Raegan handed it to him and said, "daddy, can you read this?" He took it like any other book and started reading it in Spanish, he sounded nearly fluent as if he spoke the language everyday, he actually seemed to be enjoying the story, at least more than Raegan and I did as we clearly had no idea what was going on besides what we could gain looking at the simplistic pictures. I'm sure his highschool spanish teachers would be as proud of him as I was and I'm thankful that he is such a wonderful daddy.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Spending the summer at the doctor
Where did August go! I feel like this summer was filled with doctor visits, not just for my pregnancy, which included a trip to a specialist, as well as multiple blood samples, and that awful glucose test. We go back to the specialist for another sonogram on Sept. 11th, I can't wait to see how much this wild little boy has grown.
Below is a picture of Philip recovering from his deviated septum surgery. This was a pretty hard surgery for him to recover from. Luckily my mother in law came up to our home to help us out around the house and with Raegan. Dr. Buyten, who is the same doctor who did Raegan's ear tubes in 2010, did a great job on Philip's surgery. He is doing much better now and can breathe much easier. He's also going to get allergy shots once a week now.
Raegan visited 3 dentists this summer before we found one to fix her cavaity between her two front teeth. We had to go to the hospital on August 15th so they could put her under general anethesia for the procedure. She did well and her teeth look great.
This is a picture of her after they gave her stickers and let her pick out a teddy bear before she went in for the procedure.
On August 24th Philip had a colonoscopy. We were blessed to find out there were no real concerns, I think the problems he was having were just due to stress. He was under conseous anthesia which made him very forgetful. When I was waitiing with him afterwards, he would ask me, "Have you talked to the doctor? Did you like him? So no polyops, no cancer?" I'd answer him with, "Yes, you spoke with Dr. Baradi too, he's nice, no polyops, no cancer." Then he'd fade off to sleep and wake up 2-3 minutes later and say, "Have you talked to the doctor? Did you like him? So no polyops, no cancer?" I answered straight faced for about the first 5 times and then I just couldn't help but crack up. Made me think about how he may be when we are in our 80s and how much I'll always love him.
Below is a picture of Philip recovering from his deviated septum surgery. This was a pretty hard surgery for him to recover from. Luckily my mother in law came up to our home to help us out around the house and with Raegan. Dr. Buyten, who is the same doctor who did Raegan's ear tubes in 2010, did a great job on Philip's surgery. He is doing much better now and can breathe much easier. He's also going to get allergy shots once a week now.
Raegan visited 3 dentists this summer before we found one to fix her cavaity between her two front teeth. We had to go to the hospital on August 15th so they could put her under general anethesia for the procedure. She did well and her teeth look great.
This is a picture of her after they gave her stickers and let her pick out a teddy bear before she went in for the procedure.
On August 24th Philip had a colonoscopy. We were blessed to find out there were no real concerns, I think the problems he was having were just due to stress. He was under conseous anthesia which made him very forgetful. When I was waitiing with him afterwards, he would ask me, "Have you talked to the doctor? Did you like him? So no polyops, no cancer?" I'd answer him with, "Yes, you spoke with Dr. Baradi too, he's nice, no polyops, no cancer." Then he'd fade off to sleep and wake up 2-3 minutes later and say, "Have you talked to the doctor? Did you like him? So no polyops, no cancer?" I answered straight faced for about the first 5 times and then I just couldn't help but crack up. Made me think about how he may be when we are in our 80s and how much I'll always love him.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Let me out!
26 weeks along
I haven't done a great job at documenting this pregnancy. Okay I will rephrase that I've done a horrible job. With Raegan as soon as we found out (albeit a little later than most), I took pictures of my belly, counted down days, picked out a name, decorated a nursery, etc... Maybe it was the newness of it all.
Honestly, to figure out how far along I was before writing this post I used some online calculator and when people ask me how far along I am (usually accenuating I look like I could pop any minute) I just say I'm not due till mid-November, because I haven't been keeping track.
Anyways I really am more than 1/2 way there and I know these next couple of months are going to fly by! We have two trips to Texas planned during August, we are anxiously awaiting some important news from Chick-fil-A, our 5 year anniversary is in September, I will be promoting to Manager at Ernst & Young in October the same day as my birthday actually, and I have a busy season to complete between now and the time this baby is due.
I do have a name picked out, its just a matter of convincing Philip its the right one : ) don't worry Raegan has been a big help in this process. Speaking of Raegan, she is so ready to be a big sister, anytime I call her princess, sweetheart, silly, etc... she says, "no, I'm the big sister, Raegan Smith." She talks to her brother daily, tells him to watch her, reads him books, gets on to him for kicking mommy too hard, gives him hugs and kisses, and tells daddy to give him hugs and kisses too. I can't wait to see them interact with each other, its going to be so special.
Besides my poor tracking, this pregnancy has been so much different than my first. He is sitting (well swimming) VERY low. Raegan liked to hang out under my ribs, but I'm afraid that if I sneeze this little boy may just make an early appearance.
I haven't done a great job at documenting this pregnancy. Okay I will rephrase that I've done a horrible job. With Raegan as soon as we found out (albeit a little later than most), I took pictures of my belly, counted down days, picked out a name, decorated a nursery, etc... Maybe it was the newness of it all.
Honestly, to figure out how far along I was before writing this post I used some online calculator and when people ask me how far along I am (usually accenuating I look like I could pop any minute) I just say I'm not due till mid-November, because I haven't been keeping track.
Anyways I really am more than 1/2 way there and I know these next couple of months are going to fly by! We have two trips to Texas planned during August, we are anxiously awaiting some important news from Chick-fil-A, our 5 year anniversary is in September, I will be promoting to Manager at Ernst & Young in October the same day as my birthday actually, and I have a busy season to complete between now and the time this baby is due.
I do have a name picked out, its just a matter of convincing Philip its the right one : ) don't worry Raegan has been a big help in this process. Speaking of Raegan, she is so ready to be a big sister, anytime I call her princess, sweetheart, silly, etc... she says, "no, I'm the big sister, Raegan Smith." She talks to her brother daily, tells him to watch her, reads him books, gets on to him for kicking mommy too hard, gives him hugs and kisses, and tells daddy to give him hugs and kisses too. I can't wait to see them interact with each other, its going to be so special.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thinking of Others
Raegan had a physical this morning so that she could get cleared for her surgery (dental fillings) on Friday. Besides her normal shyness around people she doesn't know, this was the best doctor's visit I think she's ever had. (Possibly due to a little bribing went on before we went into the office, but I'll never tell) She stood on the scale and weighed 29.2 lbs and stood up tall so the nurse could measure her height of 35 1/2 inches. The doctor checked on her and her cough and decided it would be best if we rescheduled the surgery because of her cough, so we did.
After her appointment she got to pick out 2 stickers for being such a good girl. She picked up Dora right away and then seemed to have a hard time selecting the 2nd one with the doctor and I both encouraging Ariel, Cinderella, My Little Pony, etc... when to our surprise she picked up Spiderman. Both the doctor and I were a little thrown off, but Raegan didn't say a word. We checked out and on the way to take her to school she said, "Mommy I got Dora and Spiderman, a girl and a boy. Dora is a girl and Spiderman is a boy. Dora is for me and Spiderman is for Jonathyn because Jonathyn likes Spiderman." We didn't get to school till after 9am so I figured all her classmates would already be in class and I was a bit worried about her taking in a sticker for only one friend. However, we pulled in right after Jonathyn and as soon as she saw him, she practically jumped out of my arms to run and give the spiderman sticker to him before we even reached the front door of the school. He was so happy and they ran off to play together on the playground and never turned back to say bye.
I'm thankful that she is such a sweet girl who is always thinking of others and who loves her friends.
After her appointment she got to pick out 2 stickers for being such a good girl. She picked up Dora right away and then seemed to have a hard time selecting the 2nd one with the doctor and I both encouraging Ariel, Cinderella, My Little Pony, etc... when to our surprise she picked up Spiderman. Both the doctor and I were a little thrown off, but Raegan didn't say a word. We checked out and on the way to take her to school she said, "Mommy I got Dora and Spiderman, a girl and a boy. Dora is a girl and Spiderman is a boy. Dora is for me and Spiderman is for Jonathyn because Jonathyn likes Spiderman." We didn't get to school till after 9am so I figured all her classmates would already be in class and I was a bit worried about her taking in a sticker for only one friend. However, we pulled in right after Jonathyn and as soon as she saw him, she practically jumped out of my arms to run and give the spiderman sticker to him before we even reached the front door of the school. He was so happy and they ran off to play together on the playground and never turned back to say bye.
I'm thankful that she is such a sweet girl who is always thinking of others and who loves her friends.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
More funnies - Raegan Smith
The other day Raegan's paper from her new school had a note on it from her teacher that just said, " I love her, she cracks me up!" I thought I would share some more funnies from Raegan:
you have to be nice to our team, because they're the boss like us
the shoo fly not kiss peoples
you're mean to me, i want a new mommy (after I made her take a bath)
all my family (stuffed animals) being good and watching the Thunder
good job blue team, you did it!
Payton lives across the street
we have lots of neighbors
I don't want to eat dinner, I want two pieces of chocolate from the fridge because I like chocolate
you can't get me (she loves playing tag)
no not your nanny just my nanny, because she loves me
you have to be nice to our team, because they're the boss like us
the shoo fly not kiss peoples
you're mean to me, i want a new mommy (after I made her take a bath)
all my family (stuffed animals) being good and watching the Thunder
good job blue team, you did it!
Payton lives across the street
we have lots of neighbors
I don't want to eat dinner, I want two pieces of chocolate from the fridge because I like chocolate
you can't get me (she loves playing tag)
no not your nanny just my nanny, because she loves me
Thursday, June 7, 2012
chatter box
I love it when Raegan says:
Give me you!
I love you mommy
I cried for you
I missed you
When you're at your mall and I'm at my mall I miss you
Me and you are the boss
Do you want to do yoga daddy its very good
Don't talk to me when I'm doing yoga
You're funny mom, you like daddy
Yes Jesus loves me
In Heaven? We don't live in Heaven we live in Moore Oklahoma
Dear God please make me better
Why you do that God
I'm not a baby I'm the big sister
I don't like when Raegan says:
Get away from me
Don't talk to me
I don't want you to go to work
Well I never see you anyways
I don't like you, but I still love you
Sorry mom, too bad (this was after she ate all my snocone)
Dominic said what the heck
I'm going to tell daddy on you
I love it when Raegan says:
Give me you!
I love you mommy
I cried for you
I missed you
When you're at your mall and I'm at my mall I miss you
Me and you are the boss
Do you want to do yoga daddy its very good
Don't talk to me when I'm doing yoga
You're funny mom, you like daddy
Yes Jesus loves me
In Heaven? We don't live in Heaven we live in Moore Oklahoma
Dear God please make me better
Why you do that God
I'm not a baby I'm the big sister
I don't like when Raegan says:
Get away from me
Don't talk to me
I don't want you to go to work
Well I never see you anyways
I don't like you, but I still love you
Sorry mom, too bad (this was after she ate all my snocone)
Dominic said what the heck
I'm going to tell daddy on you
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Mother's Day 2012
Mother's Day 2012
I'm such a lucky lady and had a wonderful Mother's Day! It started early on Thursday evening when my knight in shining armour had red roses in a vase waiting for me when I got home. Philip had held a Mother/Son Date Knight at his store that evening and this is why he was dressed like this:
(cute huh)
I had surprised him earlier that day by having Great American Cookie deliver this cookie cake to his store.
I'm such a lucky lady and had a wonderful Mother's Day! It started early on Thursday evening when my knight in shining armour had red roses in a vase waiting for me when I got home. Philip had held a Mother/Son Date Knight at his store that evening and this is why he was dressed like this:
(cute huh)
I had surprised him earlier that day by having Great American Cookie deliver this cookie cake to his store.
having Philip turned 27 on Saturday and after work Raegan and I met him at his store and went and watched a Baylor Baseball game in Norman. After the game (which wasn't a thriller) we went out to eat at our favorite, Yamato! Raegan always says she wants to catch a shrimp in her mouth like mommy and daddy at Yamato, but she acted shy and asked for the chef to place in on her plate instead. She loves shrimp though, she ate at least 5 while we were there!
We went to church Sunday morning which is where we took the picture of the three of us above. My favorite party of Mother's Day was the handmade cards from Philip and Raegan. I cried a lot when I read this one and Raegan said, "Mommy whats wrong?"
This was the outside:
And on the inside:
This is to remind you when I have grown so tall, that I was once quite little and my feet were very small. Soon I will grow and baby days will all be in the past, but you can know my love for you will always always last.
Love, Raegan
And here's a piece from Philip's:
Wow! What a difference 3 years makes. I couldn't have asked for a better wife and mother of my children. You are an amazing mother who has sacrificed a lot for our family. I appreciate you so much and love you more than you could know. I'm excited to be going through this second pregnancy with you. You are the best wife and mother in the world. Can't wait to have 2 little rugrats running around with you.
So that may be a surprise for some of you, but yes we are expecting a little one this upcoming November and the three of us are all VERY excited!
Monday, May 21, 2012
I will remain confident in this...
"I will remain confident in this
I will see the goodness of the Lord"
Psalm 27:13-14 (NIV)
13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
So Proud of my Alma Mater
I know I've been quite the slacker when it comes to the blog, but I just want to share this video to show how proud I am of our Baylor Bears!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Braggin' about my hubby
There's lots of things that I could brag on Philip about including how he always helps me out around the house, takes care of the yard, gets up in the middle of the night to get me water when I'm thirsty, made me a rose garden in our backyard, but the thing I'm most proud of this week is that he had the courage to invite someone to church with us for his first church service EVER. This is kinda of hard to explain how special this was. Anyways, I really feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man as my husband! Wish I had a picture of him to share, but he likes to be the one behind the camera, so here's one he took of me and Raegan after tonight's church service.
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