The doctor and I both thought this baby would be early, but things have been so much better since I have taken off work that I think the baby has changed his mind and is enjoying staying in there : ) Our original due date was November 18th based on mine and Philip's calculations, but at the 30 weeks sonogram the due date showed as 11-11-12. Well today is the 14th, so we are past that date and just waiting to see when he will decide to come. My mom should be here Friday so I'm hoping he will hold off till then.
I think we are just going to wait to see him before we decide on a name for our little boy.
Early in the morning on Nov 5th I had 2 hours of strong contractions, Philip got Raegan ready and put our hospital bags in the car ready to go, and then my contractions subsided and I went back to sleep. I didn't feel anymore real contractions like this until yesterday morning (well 3am on the 13th) they lasted for about an hour and a half and felt like really painful stomach pains that would come and go. Raegan woke up during this time and I think me turning my attention to taking care of her instead of concentrating on my contractions made them stop coming. I've gained 49 lbs and I'm at least 44" around, but I don't think this baby will be quite as big as Raegan was. He's definitely stonger, but the doctor hasn't made any comments about him being too big yet. Philip is guessing 9lbs 10 ounces! yikes!
I'm not sure if I'll ever be fully ready for this baby to be here, but we are getting closer that's for sure.
Hopefully the next blog post will have pictures of our family of 4!
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