Wow, this month went by quickly!
Here's an update on Cameron at 16 months...
Did I mention he's handsome, check out this lil dude stopping for a pose in an aisle at Lowe's.

He LOVES to eat! The other day Raegan and him both ate the same amount of breakfast. She got up and went to get dressed, while he said, "more" and signed eat! Sometimes he will open his mouth super wide like in the picture below if you ask him if he's hungry or wants a bite to eat; other times he'll stick his tongue out as far as he can!

He's definitely growing! He seems heavier and taller every week and some of his 12 month overalls are starting to get too short. He's also outgrown his size 3 shoes.
He's managed through his top two molars coming in and now he's working on his bottom right molar. His teething toy of choice is his hand. He chews on his fingers pretty hard; Raegan is sometimes afraid he will need a bandaid.
He's still definitely a mommas boy from the time he wakes up and hollers, "mama, mum, mama" from his crib until I lay him down for bed at night.

We love you bubba!
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