This year our kiddos really enjoyed opening valentines cards from their nanny and finding one dollar bills inside! They each got a card and it was a like a race to see who could open theirs first. 

We had MOPS on Friday and Cameron made this for me in Moppets. He was able to pick out which one was his out of all of them laying on the floor outside his classroom and then handed it to me and said "momma." It's just lovely isn't it ;)
Saturday morning Philip told me HappyValentine's Day before the sun even came up and then our kiddos came downstairs and crawled up in our bed to get tickled and hear me read the Valentine's Day card Philip had given to me.
We finished packing and loading the car and stopped by CFA for breakfast on our way out of town.
Isn't he thoughtful!
When we got to Tyler our first stop was to meet this little guy, Camden:
So tiny, the kids were basically fighting over who could hold him next! Now anytime I say "aunt Melissa" Cameron immediately says, "baby" and holds his arms like he's cradling a baby. It's cute!
That evening Philip and I started our valentines date early with a steak dinner at Bernard's, then a lil valentines shopping to pick out a new perfume for me and since they were having a really great sale some clothes for each of us as well.
Then we still had time to grab some frozen yogurt at TCBY and Carmex at Target before our movie, American Sniper, started. GREAT movie, had me on the edge of my seat and in tears, maybe not the most romantic valentines date movie, but that's okay. I'm glad our dinner reservations were so early, it was really nice to enjoy a long afternoon/evening with my sweet hubby without any children in the backseat.
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