Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Enjoy the MOOOvie!
Yes Raegan can say "moo!" We're super excited! I think we've been encouraging her to like cows since her birth. She had a pink newborn onesie that read I <3 Chick-fil-A. Philip had originally bought a blue one, but that's another story ; ) She also has a 3 foot tall cow in her room, who she regularly waves and talks too and now 'moos' at. In addition to the 'mooing' she has learned how to spin in circles. She is such a silly little girl who is always laughing and loves singing and dancing. She brings so much joy to our lives. Hope you enjoyed the video.
PS- if you hurry you may still be able to reserve your spot for to get a free Chick-fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich go here http://www.getspicychicken.com/
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Massages - Random topic? well apparently not for me...
Yesterday I went and got one of the massages that Philip gave me as a Mother's Day gift. The form I filled out before the massage got started has the following question:
Have you ever received a massage before?
If yes when?________ From who?_________
So my answer is Yes, but there wasn't enough space for me to fill in every massage I've had and when. My solution was to just write in when my last massage was and then just write three places where I've had massages. When the massage therapist lead me back to the massage room we talked over the items on my form and she said "so I see you've had a lot of massages." I didn't know how to respond, is that a bad thing? Did she say a lot? I only wrote three on there. Then I started thinking of all the massages I have had and wonder if maybe I'm obsessed with massages? hmmm.... could this be an addiction?
I guess the first massages I really remember were when my sister and I would take turns giving each other back massages before we went to bed. We did this for years and still do when we visit each other. I remember when we were younger I would make her do mine first and then I would pretend to be asleep so that I wouldn't have to do hers. After about 10 times of this she figured it out and then I had to be the one to do hers first. Sorry Jen, love you!
I think Philip gave me a gift certificate to an Aveda salon in Waco, TX where I has my first professional massage. I loved it. This was during the time I was having frequent ulcerative colitis flareups and was really sick. The therapist was great, she used peppermint oil and techniques specific to help my condition. My mom wanted me to continue getting better so she continued to pay for me to go to this massage therapist once a month for awhile.
Then there was this time I found a Scandinavian girl who was in Waco staying with her fiance who was finishing his graduate degree. She had taken massage classes as her study back home and was offering very reasonable massages at their small house by campus. Her table was thin and on skinny stilts, kinda wobbly, but for the price it was worth it.
After we got married I was studying for the CPA exam pretty much 24/7. I saw a flier one day that said $25 massages at the community college there in Waco. I figured hey why not, I deserve one. This was interesting and much different than any other massage. First off there was just one large room with lots of massage tables only separated by curtains, so I could hear conversations other people were having, it was weird. Also the girl giving me a massage didn't have strong hands so I could feel her trying to push down with her body instead of using hand muscles, it was bad. I had to fill out an evaluation form for her when we were done, which I was quite honest on.
Then I don't remember getting another massage until we got to Oklahoma City, OK; which means I was probably pregnant and didn't know it. I went to Family Therapuetic massage in South OKC (not too far from where we were living at the time). I don't remember much about the massage, more just that I scheduled it for noon on a Saturday, not knowing that was the time the tornado siren tests occurred. Good thing they only lasted a minute.
Oh and then there was this sketchy place I got a massage at in downtown Moore. Achilles Healing Massage and Day SpaAddress:
, I think. By this time I knew I was pregnant with Raegan. Anyways I think I had a coupon for it to only be like $40 for an hour massage. That day there happened to be a homecoming parade on the street right in front of the massage place and I could hear the cheering, drumming, etc... the entire time I got my massage. On the plus side she didn't even charge me $40.
I didn't get another massage until my third trimester, when carrying all that extra weight (all 50 lbs of it) just got to be really hard on my body. Philip called a woman who specializes in prenatal massages. She brought her table to my home and I got a massage right there in my bedroom, while Philip waited patiently in the living room. When you're that pregnant, you just lay on your side, not your belly. After this massage I just went and crawled in bed!
This same woman gave me a massage before we left the hospital on Wednesday after I had Raegan at 3am Tuesday. My mom watched Raegan for those 30 minutes in the hospital.
Gosh how many am I at...8 at least... anyways...
For my first Mother's Day, Philip got me a gift certificate for a massage and facial at LeVisage in Norman. When I called they only had a man available to do a massage at the time I wanted. I had never had a man give me a professional massage yet, but the lady on the phone assured me that he was the owner of the salon and the very best so I agreed. Bad mistake, it was the worst massage I've had ever and probably the most expensive. He was too strong and it didn't feel good.
Then my mom turned me on to the idea of trying a massage at Massage Envy when she and I went to get massages together there when Raegan was about 5 months old. This place was reasonable and I got a great massage. One pro is the therapist carry lotions in this little belt thing they have so they don't have to stop and go get it off the counter every time. One con is all there lotions are non perfume/non scented which makes for a kinda boring experience.
I went back to Massage Envy after one of my busy seasons was over in Feb. 2010 on a rainy Sunday while Philip watched Raegan. This place is very reasonably priced. As long as you haven't had a massage there in the last 6 months then your massage is only $39 + tip. This becomes a problem when you want more than one massage every 6 months. (It must be an addiction, am I the only one?)
Recently I even opted for one of those chair massages in the mall, yes seriously. I always look at those people and think how can they possibly relax with all these people walking by and watching them. But Philip suggested I try it, so on a week day when not many people were at the mall I did. My face was looking down so I didn't even think about people being able to see me. It was noisy, but the massage was surprisingly really good. I think I only did a 30 minute one, but it wasn't bad at all.
So that was my last massage before the one I had yesterday which was wonderful. The Aveda salon uses great oils and warm towels and the therapists seem much more professional. I plan on going back to this place very soon!
PS- Did you know 'touch' is one of the five love languages?http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
Philip and I read that book before we got married.
Yesterday I went and got one of the massages that Philip gave me as a Mother's Day gift. The form I filled out before the massage got started has the following question:
Have you ever received a massage before?
If yes when?________ From who?_________
So my answer is Yes, but there wasn't enough space for me to fill in every massage I've had and when. My solution was to just write in when my last massage was and then just write three places where I've had massages. When the massage therapist lead me back to the massage room we talked over the items on my form and she said "so I see you've had a lot of massages." I didn't know how to respond, is that a bad thing? Did she say a lot? I only wrote three on there. Then I started thinking of all the massages I have had and wonder if maybe I'm obsessed with massages? hmmm.... could this be an addiction?
I guess the first massages I really remember were when my sister and I would take turns giving each other back massages before we went to bed. We did this for years and still do when we visit each other. I remember when we were younger I would make her do mine first and then I would pretend to be asleep so that I wouldn't have to do hers. After about 10 times of this she figured it out and then I had to be the one to do hers first. Sorry Jen, love you!
I think Philip gave me a gift certificate to an Aveda salon in Waco, TX where I has my first professional massage. I loved it. This was during the time I was having frequent ulcerative colitis flareups and was really sick. The therapist was great, she used peppermint oil and techniques specific to help my condition. My mom wanted me to continue getting better so she continued to pay for me to go to this massage therapist once a month for awhile.
Then there was this time I found a Scandinavian girl who was in Waco staying with her fiance who was finishing his graduate degree. She had taken massage classes as her study back home and was offering very reasonable massages at their small house by campus. Her table was thin and on skinny stilts, kinda wobbly, but for the price it was worth it.
After we got married I was studying for the CPA exam pretty much 24/7. I saw a flier one day that said $25 massages at the community college there in Waco. I figured hey why not, I deserve one. This was interesting and much different than any other massage. First off there was just one large room with lots of massage tables only separated by curtains, so I could hear conversations other people were having, it was weird. Also the girl giving me a massage didn't have strong hands so I could feel her trying to push down with her body instead of using hand muscles, it was bad. I had to fill out an evaluation form for her when we were done, which I was quite honest on.
Then I don't remember getting another massage until we got to Oklahoma City, OK; which means I was probably pregnant and didn't know it. I went to Family Therapuetic massage in South OKC (not too far from where we were living at the time). I don't remember much about the massage, more just that I scheduled it for noon on a Saturday, not knowing that was the time the tornado siren tests occurred. Good thing they only lasted a minute.
Oh and then there was this sketchy place I got a massage at in downtown Moore. Achilles Healing Massage and Day SpaAddress:
I didn't get another massage until my third trimester, when carrying all that extra weight (all 50 lbs of it) just got to be really hard on my body. Philip called a woman who specializes in prenatal massages. She brought her table to my home and I got a massage right there in my bedroom, while Philip waited patiently in the living room. When you're that pregnant, you just lay on your side, not your belly. After this massage I just went and crawled in bed!
This same woman gave me a massage before we left the hospital on Wednesday after I had Raegan at 3am Tuesday. My mom watched Raegan for those 30 minutes in the hospital.
Gosh how many am I at...8 at least... anyways...
For my first Mother's Day, Philip got me a gift certificate for a massage and facial at LeVisage in Norman. When I called they only had a man available to do a massage at the time I wanted. I had never had a man give me a professional massage yet, but the lady on the phone assured me that he was the owner of the salon and the very best so I agreed. Bad mistake, it was the worst massage I've had ever and probably the most expensive. He was too strong and it didn't feel good.
Then my mom turned me on to the idea of trying a massage at Massage Envy when she and I went to get massages together there when Raegan was about 5 months old. This place was reasonable and I got a great massage. One pro is the therapist carry lotions in this little belt thing they have so they don't have to stop and go get it off the counter every time. One con is all there lotions are non perfume/non scented which makes for a kinda boring experience.
I went back to Massage Envy after one of my busy seasons was over in Feb. 2010 on a rainy Sunday while Philip watched Raegan. This place is very reasonably priced. As long as you haven't had a massage there in the last 6 months then your massage is only $39 + tip. This becomes a problem when you want more than one massage every 6 months. (It must be an addiction, am I the only one?)
Recently I even opted for one of those chair massages in the mall, yes seriously. I always look at those people and think how can they possibly relax with all these people walking by and watching them. But Philip suggested I try it, so on a week day when not many people were at the mall I did. My face was looking down so I didn't even think about people being able to see me. It was noisy, but the massage was surprisingly really good. I think I only did a 30 minute one, but it wasn't bad at all.
So that was my last massage before the one I had yesterday which was wonderful. The Aveda salon uses great oils and warm towels and the therapists seem much more professional. I plan on going back to this place very soon!
PS- Did you know 'touch' is one of the five love languages?http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
Philip and I read that book before we got married.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Mother's Day
Sunday May 9th, 2010 - Mother's Day
For Mother's Day, Philip got up and made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon for breakfast. Philip & Raegan got me these gorgeous 25 red roses and an Aveda spa gift certificate for 4 massages! Raegan also made me a sweet Mother's Day card at school with her hand and footprint on it. He knows what I like! After breakfast we went to church and dropped Raegan off in the nursery. We haven't figured out why she dislikes the church nursery so much, she seems to cry nearly the whole time and then when we pick her up her poor lil eyes are swollen from crying so hard :( but its also too hard to take her into the service with us, because she likes to run around all over the place and pull out all the tithing envelopes from the chair back pockets. I hope she gets more used to her Sunday school class soon, because it breaks my heart to leave her crying.
For Mother's Day, Philip got up and made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon for breakfast. Philip & Raegan got me these gorgeous 25 red roses and an Aveda spa gift certificate for 4 massages! Raegan also made me a sweet Mother's Day card at school with her hand and footprint on it. He knows what I like! After breakfast we went to church and dropped Raegan off in the nursery. We haven't figured out why she dislikes the church nursery so much, she seems to cry nearly the whole time and then when we pick her up her poor lil eyes are swollen from crying so hard :( but its also too hard to take her into the service with us, because she likes to run around all over the place and pull out all the tithing envelopes from the chair back pockets. I hope she gets more used to her Sunday school class soon, because it breaks my heart to leave her crying.
Sunday afternoon Philip had to run a quick errand to pick up equipment for work, so I used the opportunity to go pick up his birthday present. Philip always tells me he doesn't need anything and not to get him anything, but I did anyways. Last year one of Philip's friends gave him a gun, Philip got his license to carry. While he was getting his license he often went and did target practice, which I know he enjoyed but rounds were pretty expensive so he hasn't been in a long time. So in my strapless, floral Sunday dress, high heels, and baby on my hip I walked into the Gun Shop on the rough side of town to get my husband a gift card. You should've seen the looks I got! I felt like Sandra Bullock in Erin Brockovich. 
I had read in a magazine while I was waiting on my oil to get changed on Friday, that TCBY was giving away free ice cream to moms on Mother's Day. So on Sunday we went driving around trying to find a TCBY, because I love White Chocolate Mousse frozen yogurt from there. To my demise the closest TCBY is 2 hours away :( I thought it may be worth driving up there just for it, but decided against it since we'd be traveling again the next morning, lol. Sunday evening we went out to dinner at our favorite, YAMATO! Its always interesting to watch the chefs. Most of them do the same tricks, some of them are really funny, but this one was so very slow. He massaged the fried rice for at least 10 minutes. A little boy at our table (probably like 7 years old) said "mom, are we going to be here ALL night?" lol!
Anyways I had a great 2nd Mother's Day, thanks to my wonderful husband and sweet baby girl!

I had read in a magazine while I was waiting on my oil to get changed on Friday, that TCBY was giving away free ice cream to moms on Mother's Day. So on Sunday we went driving around trying to find a TCBY, because I love White Chocolate Mousse frozen yogurt from there. To my demise the closest TCBY is 2 hours away :( I thought it may be worth driving up there just for it, but decided against it since we'd be traveling again the next morning, lol. Sunday evening we went out to dinner at our favorite, YAMATO! Its always interesting to watch the chefs. Most of them do the same tricks, some of them are really funny, but this one was so very slow. He massaged the fried rice for at least 10 minutes. A little boy at our table (probably like 7 years old) said "mom, are we going to be here ALL night?" lol!
Anyways I had a great 2nd Mother's Day, thanks to my wonderful husband and sweet baby girl!
Monday May 10th, 2010 - Travel to Dallas and Father-in-law's 60th BirthdayOur alarm went off at 4 AM Monday morning, yes you read that right 4 AM. We got ready, finished our last minute packing, woke Raegan up and put her in the car and headed out to Dallas, TX. We made one stop to get breakfast and then hit morning rush hour when we got to Denton. Luckily we were able to hop in the HOV lane and I made it to the office by 9 AM for training. Philip and Raegan hung out at NorthPark mall, where they met his parents and nanny. Once they were able to check into the hotel they hung out there until I got off work. That evening we went to Hassbrau steakhouse for dinner.
Tuesday May 11th, 2010 - Philip & Raegan visited Fort Worth Zoo
While I was in training, Philip and Raegan went to the Fort Worth Zoo. Philip's favorite animal was the silver back gorilla and Raegan liked a funny looking bird : ) To my surprise, my husband who hates being in pictures took some good photos. I thought I'd share a few of them to encourage more of this behavior ;)
While I was in training, Philip and Raegan went to the Fort Worth Zoo. Philip's favorite animal was the silver back gorilla and Raegan liked a funny looking bird : ) To my surprise, my husband who hates being in pictures took some good photos. I thought I'd share a few of them to encourage more of this behavior ;)
Wednesday May 12th, 2010 - Philip's 25th BirthdayWow, I can't believe my husband is a quarter of a century old today! When I met him we was only 18. I'm so grateful to have spent these wonderful years with such an amazing man! Philip supports me in my decisions, cares about my concerns, and loves me unconditionally. He is also a great daddy, as evidenced in him taking time off work this week to take care of Raegan while I worked in Dallas. At work he's a servant leader; he's not afraid to get his hands dirty; and he develops others through leading as an example. If you ask his mom, she'll tell you he was the perfect child who always had a clean room and never got in trouble. He's also his sister's hero and his dad's best fishing bud. He has strong morals and values and never compromises them to get ahead. He's a go getter, mac lovin', entrepreneurial-spirited guy and I love him. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Thursday May 13th, 2010 - Nana and Raegan
My mom flew in last night and Philip drove home early this morning. My mom "Nana" and Raegan got to spend the day together. They went and visited the Aquarium which was across the street from our hotel. Raegan loved seeing the fish and birds and now even knows how to say fish. She is good at pointing at things and telling us what she wants or what she sees. They played so hard together that Raegan wore my mom out. Thursday evening we met my friend Rachel at House of Blues. There was a band playing and we found out our daughter is already a groupie... she walked up to the stage and waved and grinned at the guitar player, who smiled at her and then she climbed up on stage! Wild Child! She also enjoyed dancing to the music. Below is a pic of my mom and Raegan at the aquarium.

Today we got out early from training and I asked the hotel for a late checkout. After we checked out of our hotel we had the hotel hold our luggage and my mom, Raegan, and I went for a walk downtown. We were hoping that Raegan would fall asleep in the stroller. We were about 3 blocks from the hotel and 4 blocks from where we were trying to go when it started storming. The rain and wind got so bad that we took cover in a nearby building until I remembered the indoor sidewalks that we could take to get to the Plaza of the Americas. We hung out there for a lil while and Raegan finally dozed off, it was still raining, so we decided to wait in the Westin lobby and let Raegan get a nap in then called our hotel and asked for a shuttle to come pick us up. The Cowboy cab took us to the airport, where things were a mess! A huge storm had swept its way through Texas delaying Dallas flights and closing the Houston airport, causing most flights going through Houston to be redirected through Dallas. Anyways it was a late night... on the bright side Raegan is talking much more this week... words she's added to her vocab include "fish", "nana" and "uh-oh"...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Pulling the plug
So this was officially our first week without any cable tv. We decided that once basketball was over we'd cancel it (at least for the summer). I guess I didn't even realize how much we watched it until now when we can't. I've had to be creative in finding things to do, especially on days when I'm home with Raegan all day! We've been spending a lot more time outside and more time reading books!Philip decided he'd have to find some way to watch sports since we don't have cable, so he's become a little league umpire for teams in Norman. Raegan and I went out and watched him last night. I took my camera but forgot that I had taken the battery out to charge it, so I didn't get any pictures, but will try again next time so you can see calls. This was his first week of games, but he's already doing a great job and I'm glad he's enjoying it!
Right now Raegan is taking a nap and I'm waiting on the plumber. Philip had to show me how to use the plunger yesterday for the first time. I've always had one, just never had to use it. Anyways both the toilets in our house aren't working and the sinks are making funky noises. I'm hoping its something they can fix easily and that Raegan didn't drop something down one of them when I wasn't looking! Once they leave I'm planning on taking Raegan to the Orr Family Farm http://orrfamilyfarm.com/index.php this afternoon. We are also going to go to the library to get some new books. Raegan loves books!
Well the plumbers got here and then told me they had bad news and that it looked like our main line was broken. Last week there was a trenching company out behind our house with a bulldozer machine looking thing and I thought it was weird how close to our back fence he was so I took a couple of pics including the one you see below. The plumbing company noticed the turned up dirt and a broken pipe behind our house and said whoever was doing that work must have broke our main line and the cost to fix it would be from $2500 - $3000! So now I'm waiting on a guy from that trenching company to come out and look at it, because the plumber said since they broke it they should pay to have it fixed.
On a brighter note, look how pretty our roses are!
Well I wrote all that earlier today and didn't have a chance to post because things got a little hectic. The owner of the trenching company came over, apologized and then went and got his tools and spent a couple hours fixing it. He said he must of hit it when he was digging the trench for AT&T's Uverse lines. Anyways he was super nice and even reimbursed me for the $104 we had to pay to the plumbers for telling us what the problem was. Then the fence people finally showed up to fix our fence that has been swaying with this Oklahoma wind for sometime now. So at points of the day we could see straight into our neighbors yard as they had parts of the fence down while they were putting in metal posts. Oh and the yard guys came out today too, they didn't come last Saturday like they were suppose to. It had rained a couple of days so we assumed they were just running behind, so it had been two weeks since our yard had been mowed. We paid that lawn company to fertilize the yard too, but its still not green!?!
Despite all the happenings outside of our house, Raegan and I still managed to fit in a lil fun today! We did end up going to the Orr Family Farm. Raegan loved the petting zoo, she wasn't scared to pet the animals and reach her hands out to touch them. She also got to ride on a carousel and a train for the first time today! We had lots of fun! We also stopped by the library to return books and rented 8 more. I set Raegan down in the children's area and went to pick out some books, I turned around and she had crawled up on a chair and was sitting ON the table. She's a brave little girl.
Here are a couple more pics and I'm off to bed, I'm posting from Philip's computer because mine won't connect to our wireless network for some reason. Once he figures out what is wrong with mine, I'll upload more pics from my camera to share.
This is a basket in our guest bathroom that I usually keep Raegan's bath towels in, recently she has decided its a fun place to crawl into.
Right now Raegan is taking a nap and I'm waiting on the plumber. Philip had to show me how to use the plunger yesterday for the first time. I've always had one, just never had to use it. Anyways both the toilets in our house aren't working and the sinks are making funky noises. I'm hoping its something they can fix easily and that Raegan didn't drop something down one of them when I wasn't looking! Once they leave I'm planning on taking Raegan to the Orr Family Farm http://orrfamilyfarm.com/index.php this afternoon. We are also going to go to the library to get some new books. Raegan loves books!
Well the plumbers got here and then told me they had bad news and that it looked like our main line was broken. Last week there was a trenching company out behind our house with a bulldozer machine looking thing and I thought it was weird how close to our back fence he was so I took a couple of pics including the one you see below. The plumbing company noticed the turned up dirt and a broken pipe behind our house and said whoever was doing that work must have broke our main line and the cost to fix it would be from $2500 - $3000! So now I'm waiting on a guy from that trenching company to come out and look at it, because the plumber said since they broke it they should pay to have it fixed.

On a brighter note, look how pretty our roses are!

Despite all the happenings outside of our house, Raegan and I still managed to fit in a lil fun today! We did end up going to the Orr Family Farm. Raegan loved the petting zoo, she wasn't scared to pet the animals and reach her hands out to touch them. She also got to ride on a carousel and a train for the first time today! We had lots of fun! We also stopped by the library to return books and rented 8 more. I set Raegan down in the children's area and went to pick out some books, I turned around and she had crawled up on a chair and was sitting ON the table. She's a brave little girl.
Here are a couple more pics and I'm off to bed, I'm posting from Philip's computer because mine won't connect to our wireless network for some reason. Once he figures out what is wrong with mine, I'll upload more pics from my camera to share.

Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Super Saver Derby Day

Our friends, the DeLeons, hosted a Derby Day get together at their home in Goldsby, OK. Philip is out of town, but Raegan and I enjoyed spending time with friends and watching the horses race. Lately, Raegan has been very interested in animals. Everytime we go on walks in the neighborhood we have to stop multiple times to say "hi" and to our neighbors' pets. Its been a good way to meet our neighbors though. I love our neighborhood. Its full of young families, I think it would be a great place for Raegan to grow up. Rarely can you look down the sidewalk without seeing children's tricycles, Barbie jeeps, and other toys scattered about. It makes me happy.
So a couple of weeks ago we took Raegan to the pound to look at puppies and I've been dabbling in the pets section of craigslist occasionally. I really can't decide if we are ready to take on the addition responsibility of having a pet yet. The picture below is of Raegan spending time with our friend's cat, Kazoo. Raegan loves him, but he's not a big fan of her. I thought it was so cute that she laid down next to him. She has such a sweet heart! She loves to give hugs and kisses and learned how to blow kisses this week.
Raegan was so tired after Derby Day, that while I was holding her in her room, she reached out of my arms to lay down in the crib. It's so quiet at the house without Philip here or the tv on (we cancelled our cable). After Raegan went to bed I enjoyed a cookie sheet full of sweet potato fries! Mmm they are wonderful, Philip doesn't like them. But since he is out of town and I still weigh 5 lbs less than I did when we got married, I thought it was an appropriate meal choice. I think I may enjoy some frozen yogurt with blueberry granola for dessert!
More pictures, ENJOY!
Such a ham!

Helping me with the grocery list

Found this at Target, I think its adorable!!!
Oh I also painted Raegan's toenails for the first time today, but didn't happen to get a picture of her pink little piggies! I'll try to post one soon!
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