Sunday May 9th, 2010 - Mother's Day
For Mother's Day, Philip got up and made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon for breakfast. Philip & Raegan got me these gorgeous 25 red roses and an Aveda spa gift certificate for 4 massages! Raegan also made me a sweet Mother's Day card at school with her hand and footprint on it. He knows what I like! After breakfast we went to church and dropped Raegan off in the nursery. We haven't figured out why she dislikes the church nursery so much, she seems to cry nearly the whole time and then when we pick her up her poor lil eyes are swollen from crying so hard :( but its also too hard to take her into the service with us, because she likes to run around all over the place and pull out all the tithing envelopes from the chair back pockets. I hope she gets more used to her Sunday school class soon, because it breaks my heart to leave her crying.
For Mother's Day, Philip got up and made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon for breakfast. Philip & Raegan got me these gorgeous 25 red roses and an Aveda spa gift certificate for 4 massages! Raegan also made me a sweet Mother's Day card at school with her hand and footprint on it. He knows what I like! After breakfast we went to church and dropped Raegan off in the nursery. We haven't figured out why she dislikes the church nursery so much, she seems to cry nearly the whole time and then when we pick her up her poor lil eyes are swollen from crying so hard :( but its also too hard to take her into the service with us, because she likes to run around all over the place and pull out all the tithing envelopes from the chair back pockets. I hope she gets more used to her Sunday school class soon, because it breaks my heart to leave her crying.
Sunday afternoon Philip had to run a quick errand to pick up equipment for work, so I used the opportunity to go pick up his birthday present. Philip always tells me he doesn't need anything and not to get him anything, but I did anyways. Last year one of Philip's friends gave him a gun, Philip got his license to carry. While he was getting his license he often went and did target practice, which I know he enjoyed but rounds were pretty expensive so he hasn't been in a long time. So in my strapless, floral Sunday dress, high heels, and baby on my hip I walked into the Gun Shop on the rough side of town to get my husband a gift card. You should've seen the looks I got! I felt like Sandra Bullock in Erin Brockovich. 
I had read in a magazine while I was waiting on my oil to get changed on Friday, that TCBY was giving away free ice cream to moms on Mother's Day. So on Sunday we went driving around trying to find a TCBY, because I love White Chocolate Mousse frozen yogurt from there. To my demise the closest TCBY is 2 hours away :( I thought it may be worth driving up there just for it, but decided against it since we'd be traveling again the next morning, lol. Sunday evening we went out to dinner at our favorite, YAMATO! Its always interesting to watch the chefs. Most of them do the same tricks, some of them are really funny, but this one was so very slow. He massaged the fried rice for at least 10 minutes. A little boy at our table (probably like 7 years old) said "mom, are we going to be here ALL night?" lol!
Anyways I had a great 2nd Mother's Day, thanks to my wonderful husband and sweet baby girl!

I had read in a magazine while I was waiting on my oil to get changed on Friday, that TCBY was giving away free ice cream to moms on Mother's Day. So on Sunday we went driving around trying to find a TCBY, because I love White Chocolate Mousse frozen yogurt from there. To my demise the closest TCBY is 2 hours away :( I thought it may be worth driving up there just for it, but decided against it since we'd be traveling again the next morning, lol. Sunday evening we went out to dinner at our favorite, YAMATO! Its always interesting to watch the chefs. Most of them do the same tricks, some of them are really funny, but this one was so very slow. He massaged the fried rice for at least 10 minutes. A little boy at our table (probably like 7 years old) said "mom, are we going to be here ALL night?" lol!
Anyways I had a great 2nd Mother's Day, thanks to my wonderful husband and sweet baby girl!
Monday May 10th, 2010 - Travel to Dallas and Father-in-law's 60th BirthdayOur alarm went off at 4 AM Monday morning, yes you read that right 4 AM. We got ready, finished our last minute packing, woke Raegan up and put her in the car and headed out to Dallas, TX. We made one stop to get breakfast and then hit morning rush hour when we got to Denton. Luckily we were able to hop in the HOV lane and I made it to the office by 9 AM for training. Philip and Raegan hung out at NorthPark mall, where they met his parents and nanny. Once they were able to check into the hotel they hung out there until I got off work. That evening we went to Hassbrau steakhouse for dinner.
Tuesday May 11th, 2010 - Philip & Raegan visited Fort Worth Zoo
While I was in training, Philip and Raegan went to the Fort Worth Zoo. Philip's favorite animal was the silver back gorilla and Raegan liked a funny looking bird : ) To my surprise, my husband who hates being in pictures took some good photos. I thought I'd share a few of them to encourage more of this behavior ;)
While I was in training, Philip and Raegan went to the Fort Worth Zoo. Philip's favorite animal was the silver back gorilla and Raegan liked a funny looking bird : ) To my surprise, my husband who hates being in pictures took some good photos. I thought I'd share a few of them to encourage more of this behavior ;)
Wednesday May 12th, 2010 - Philip's 25th BirthdayWow, I can't believe my husband is a quarter of a century old today! When I met him we was only 18. I'm so grateful to have spent these wonderful years with such an amazing man! Philip supports me in my decisions, cares about my concerns, and loves me unconditionally. He is also a great daddy, as evidenced in him taking time off work this week to take care of Raegan while I worked in Dallas. At work he's a servant leader; he's not afraid to get his hands dirty; and he develops others through leading as an example. If you ask his mom, she'll tell you he was the perfect child who always had a clean room and never got in trouble. He's also his sister's hero and his dad's best fishing bud. He has strong morals and values and never compromises them to get ahead. He's a go getter, mac lovin', entrepreneurial-spirited guy and I love him. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Thursday May 13th, 2010 - Nana and Raegan
My mom flew in last night and Philip drove home early this morning. My mom "Nana" and Raegan got to spend the day together. They went and visited the Aquarium which was across the street from our hotel. Raegan loved seeing the fish and birds and now even knows how to say fish. She is good at pointing at things and telling us what she wants or what she sees. They played so hard together that Raegan wore my mom out. Thursday evening we met my friend Rachel at House of Blues. There was a band playing and we found out our daughter is already a groupie... she walked up to the stage and waved and grinned at the guitar player, who smiled at her and then she climbed up on stage! Wild Child! She also enjoyed dancing to the music. Below is a pic of my mom and Raegan at the aquarium.

Today we got out early from training and I asked the hotel for a late checkout. After we checked out of our hotel we had the hotel hold our luggage and my mom, Raegan, and I went for a walk downtown. We were hoping that Raegan would fall asleep in the stroller. We were about 3 blocks from the hotel and 4 blocks from where we were trying to go when it started storming. The rain and wind got so bad that we took cover in a nearby building until I remembered the indoor sidewalks that we could take to get to the Plaza of the Americas. We hung out there for a lil while and Raegan finally dozed off, it was still raining, so we decided to wait in the Westin lobby and let Raegan get a nap in then called our hotel and asked for a shuttle to come pick us up. The Cowboy cab took us to the airport, where things were a mess! A huge storm had swept its way through Texas delaying Dallas flights and closing the Houston airport, causing most flights going through Houston to be redirected through Dallas. Anyways it was a late night... on the bright side Raegan is talking much more this week... words she's added to her vocab include "fish", "nana" and "uh-oh"...
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