Our friends, the DeLeons, hosted a Derby Day get together at their home in Goldsby, OK. Philip is out of town, but Raegan and I enjoyed spending time with friends and watching the horses race. Lately, Raegan has been very interested in animals. Everytime we go on walks in the neighborhood we have to stop multiple times to say "hi" and to our neighbors' pets. Its been a good way to meet our neighbors though. I love our neighborhood. Its full of young families, I think it would be a great place for Raegan to grow up. Rarely can you look down the sidewalk without seeing children's tricycles, Barbie jeeps, and other toys scattered about. It makes me happy.
So a couple of weeks ago we took Raegan to the pound to look at puppies and I've been dabbling in the pets section of craigslist occasionally. I really can't decide if we are ready to take on the addition responsibility of having a pet yet. The picture below is of Raegan spending time with our friend's cat, Kazoo. Raegan loves him, but he's not a big fan of her. I thought it was so cute that she laid down next to him. She has such a sweet heart! She loves to give hugs and kisses and learned how to blow kisses this week.
Raegan was so tired after Derby Day, that while I was holding her in her room, she reached out of my arms to lay down in the crib. It's so quiet at the house without Philip here or the tv on (we cancelled our cable). After Raegan went to bed I enjoyed a cookie sheet full of sweet potato fries! Mmm they are wonderful, Philip doesn't like them. But since he is out of town and I still weigh 5 lbs less than I did when we got married, I thought it was an appropriate meal choice. I think I may enjoy some frozen yogurt with blueberry granola for dessert!
More pictures, ENJOY!
Such a ham!

Helping me with the grocery list

Found this at Target, I think its adorable!!!
Oh I also painted Raegan's toenails for the first time today, but didn't happen to get a picture of her pink little piggies! I'll try to post one soon!
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