Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Raegan!
New words/phrases:
papa's girl
I love purple
I want more snack momma
where's mine
it's mine
what's that
Things I never thought I would have to say: "Raegan we don't put ketchup on our toenails"
New things you can do: pick up things off the floor with your toes, CLIMB, drink correctly out of a water bottle, and put your shoes on and off by yourself.
3/24 : We spent today together watching Dora and Thomas the Train this morning and then having lunch with daddy before playing at the mall playground and going shopping. We also played with bubbles in the back yard this afternoon as it was nice and warm outside. You also helped me water the flowers outside but wouldn't step outside without shoes on and wouldn't step in the grass with only sandals on. Such a girly girl ; )
3/25 : You went to the doctor for your two year old checkup today and for the first time remembered that you don't like that place. You were great for the hour we waited in the waiting room, flirting with the desk attendant and talking to the other "babies" in the room. As soon as we started to enter the exam room you said "no, no" and tried to get out of my arms. Luckily you didn't have to get any shots this time!
You were 22lbs 8 oz. (5th percentile) and 32 inches tall (14 percentile).
Here are some pictures of your ladybug birthday party on Saturday 3/26.

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