Friday, April 1, 2011

Gaga for Google

I think that google may have been possibly the greatest invention ever, yes take that Thomas Eddison.  I go to google at least 10 times a day and ALWAYS find exactly what I am looking for.  Its just so smart!

Today Philip's car key door unlocker wouldn't work and he was at a baseball game and I was at home with two kiddos and didn't really want to drive 15 minutes to come get him, but told him I would if he couldn't get a ride with someone else. (Side note Philip has one of those fancy keys that doesn't look like a key at all you just like stick the whole thing in to start the car. Well here I'll just google "volkswagen fancy key" - and here it is:
back to my story... so next thing I know Philip calls and tells me google saved the day and that he was on his way home! yay! Somehow he was able to google some trick way to get into his car that was completely legit!  Thanks google!

If it wasn't for google, I quite possibly could've ended up being one of those girls on the TLC I didn't know I was pregnant show. (that's a long story that most of you probably already know)

If it wasn't for google I'd always be lost, I rely on google maps at least once a week.

Other fun things you can do on google:
  • google yourself
  • use it as a calculator
  • google translator
  • google earth
  • check flight status

Have fun googling!

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