Thursday, December 26, 2013

Maternity shoot for my sis

My lil sis is expecting a baby boy May 2014! I took these photos for her on Christmas Day.

Dora the Elf 2013

I just learned how to posts blogs from my phone!  So glad my husband is such a techie!  Be expecting many more posts and photos now :) 

Here are just a couple of photos of Dora the Elf 2013!
 Roasting marshmallows 


Drinking pancake syrup

Our decorator with our first family of four pic with Santa

Cameron's Late Birthday/late 13 month blog post

We celebrated Cameron's 1st birthday on 11-16-13 before the Baylor v. Texas Tech football game with family and friends at our new home.  We had a football theme party which included blow up 12" footballs, chocolate cupcakes I frosted to look like footballs, and lots of green and gold balloons and decorations. 

Weight: 20lbs 9 oz
Height: 28 1/2 inches
Clothes size: 12-18 months
Diaper size: 3
Words used in right context: Dada, Momma, more, byebye, dogdog, Dora (this was the name of our Elf on the Shelf), something that sounds similar to deer, and also something that sounds similar to Thank you
Favorite things to do: Get into things, laugh, dance, wrestle, play with remotes or iphones, snuggle, and play peek-a-boo

New Experiences:
  • started walking everywhere on his 1st birthday, 11/16/13
  • starting to drink some cow's milk
  • signs milk when he wants to nurse
  • learned the motion for 'stomp your feet' portion of "If you're happy and you know it"
  • takes steps backwards to scoot into someone's lap if they are sitting on the floor
  • drives Duck Dynasty 4 wheeler he got from Nana for his 1st birthday
  • turns and slides feet first on his own to get off a couch or bed

Happy Birthday Cameron!