Friday, September 24, 2010

9-24-2010 - 18 months old!

Raegan is 1 1/2 years old today! It has been an interesting month.

You are still sleeping in own bed from 8-6ish'

You still nurse at least 3 times a day (tried to cut it to two and you let us know who was boss)

I never know what I will find in our shower, (i.e. stuffed animals, books, shoes, cheerios)

Much more of a Daddy's Girl than ever before, in fact when I asked you if you were a Daddy's girl, you shook your head up and down.  We understand this to mean "yes."  You don't tell us "yes" nearly as often as you tell us "no."  I've probably been told "no" more times in the last month than in my entire life!

New words:
muah (when you blow kisses)
stop , go (at stop signs while we are driving)
hi & bye are much more clear now

go get ball
no no get down
no mine
no night night
more milk
my milk
go! (with a push like a go away)
You still love reading books, now you'll give us a book to read and then get your own to "read" and flip the pages by yourself.

You love Lincoln and being able to boss him around ; )

Yum, a pickle!
Still wearing 12 month clothes, weight on 9-20-2010 = 20 lbs

Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl!

Friday, September 17, 2010

First Night Away From Mommy

Well, Tara left one morning around 5:30 to go to Dallas for training. She was gone overnight and came home the next evening. This was Raegan's first complete night away from mommy. That evening I picked her up from daycare and took her to the house. We played with lincoln for a while and then went in to have dinner. After dinner it was time for a bath. She loves playing in the water and i figured it would relax her. It is also part of our night time routine. We read about 4 books together before I began turning out the lights and turning on her lamp in her bedroom. It was at this time that she realized mommy wasn't home. She started crying the walked through the house yelling "momma, mommy". In one of our hallways there are 3 pictures of Tara and Raegan. She pointed at each one of them and said "momma". I tried to explain to her that momma would be back tomorrow. She came and sat in my lap and we finished a few more books.

The next morning, Raegan woke up at her normal 5:30. We got up and ate breakfast. Then she started asking for momma again. We went to our bedroom and she saw some picture frames up on a dresser. She asked me to get them down for her. Below is a video of what she did with them. I took her to daycare and then I picked her up that afternoon. We went and met Tara for our anniversary dinner at Red Rock Canyon Grill. Needless to say Raegan was pretty upset at this point. When she saw Tara walking through the parking lot her eyes followed. As she got closer, she pointed at Tara and said "No, No". She continued this as Tara approached the table. She was obviously upset that Tara had left.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Can you believe its been nine years? Do you remember where you were/what you were doing when it happened?

I was a typical teenager, 15 years old, getting ready for school. My best friend Jessica over because she was picking me up. We were walking through the living room and my parents had the news on. The news was talking about the first crash and my mom was like oh my girls look what just happened! At that time we were too worried about primping that we didn't pay much attention to it. (That's how it is when your a teenager, if you don't think it directly affects you or your life, then its someone else's problem. ) Anyways, we glimpse over at the tv to see the 2nd plane crash straight into the building. I might have been a self-centered teenager, but I wasn't dumb. At this point I knew something really horrible had just happened and there was no way it could've been an accident. That day at school I don't remember doing any class work. Everyone was in shock so we just sat and watched the news in every class.

I remember it like it was yesterday. (cliche, I know)

Watch this video - WARNING: get a box of kleenex ready!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day at the Lake 9-05-10

Our friends Colin and Julia invited us down to one of their friend's lakehouses in the middle of nowhere South Oklahoma. The weather was great and the lake was beautiful. We built a fire on their fire pit and cooked out hamburgers, chicken, corn on the cob, potatoes, and grilled pineapple. Yum! Philip and I even got to sneak away and go kayaking for a lil while, which was great, thanks to our friends for watching Raegan! I wish I would've taken more pics but we were too busy relaxing (oxymoron?), anyways here are a few that I did take...

We ate watermelon...
Sang karokee...
and read some Dr. Suess books...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

long day!

It has been a long day! Philip gave me a kiss before he left this morning for work and I haven't seen him since. I talked to him not long ago and things were going good at the OU game. I can't wait to see him when he gets home. Raegan and I took advantage of our girls day together! First we slept in till 8, you wouldn't believe the effect sleeping in a little has on both of our moods! When we were getting out of bed I told her I had to go potty and showed her the sign for it, she signed potty back to me so when I went to the bathroom I set her on her potty and she went number one. (that's how I think I'll refer to it on the blog Number one and Number two, I think ya'll will understand and that way I won't have to use gross words like 'poop'!) Anyways, I was so surprised! She has gone Number two many times in her potty, but this was the first time for Number one! BTW - she went Number one again tonight before her bathtime! Okay enough about potty time.

Raegan and I then went to the kitchen and cut up an apple and turned up some country music to dance to, we love dancing in the kitchen!

Then we decided to take Lincoln for a walk. Poor lil guy doesn't get a lot of attention, since Raegan isn't really big enough to play with him yet and Philip has been so busy lately. At first I let Raegan walk behind us on the sidewalk, but she's not as fast as Lincoln so I ended up carrying her on my hip for our walk. We stopped at our neighbor's house and talked with them and let the kids play with Lincoln for a little while. They were going to the OU game tnite so I was sure to tell them to get some Chick-fil-A while they were there ; )

I couldn't believe how much Raegan ate for breakfast this morning! I set her in her highchair with a bowl full of applesauce, while I washed some dishes and started to get breakfast ready. A couple of minutes later she was already done with all the applesauce and hadn't made a mess with it at all! Then I gave her scrambled eggs and when she finished all of them she was still asking for more food, so I gave her a piece of cinnamon toast with butter. She must be preparing for a growing spurt?!?

Raegan was still in the onesie that she wore to bed, so when we got home after our walk I got her dressed and did a little laundry before we headed to the bank to get some cash for the Farmer's Market. We made a quick stop at a thrift shop after the bank, but I didn't find anything worth buying. Raegan was such a flirt with everyone at the Farmer's Market! She calls nearly every fruit an apple and won herself a glass of free lemonade with her cute smile ; ) Unfortunately the Farmer's Market was all out of corn, boo! I planned on picking some up to take for our lake get together tomorrow, but instead we had to run to the grocery store to get some. By this time Raegan was pretty tired of getting in and out of the car but was still a good sport. She loves it when I push the cart and then pretend like I can't catch up to her : )

We unloaded groceries and then had lunch. After lunch plus the lemonade from the Farmer's Market I had to change Raegan into her third outfit for the day and then I put her down for a nap. She slept for about an hour. She normally takes a two hour afternoon nap, but the lawnmowers came and made a loud racket. They weren't even suppose to come today, but that's another story...
Anyways, once Raegan was up, I started getting things packed into the back of my car for tomorrow's lake trip, while Raegan entertained herself with her books and toys. She has gotten very good at telling me what things are in books instead of me telling her. In one book today she showed me an apple, a kitty cat, a dog, a fish, a monkey, a juice cup, and then I taught her the airplane, she pointed to the sky and then put swung her arms in the air like I was doing ;) I love this girl! Did I tell you she also does the sign for stars when Twinkle Twinkle little star plays on one of her books?!? I'm sure other babies do these things too and its no big deal to most people, its just so neat to see her learn and develop and she amazes me with how much she knows and understands!

We also watched a little bit of Peter Pan (VHS style) and had a snack (which happens to be one of Raegan's newest words). Our snack consisted of grapes and sweet potato fries! yummy! Raegan loves to dip her sweet potato fries and pretty much anything else for that matter in ketchup, so this meant yet another outfit.

Then this evening we took the pump (my dear old friend), some nursing supplies, and a couple of teeny tiny baby items and met a woman at the Chick-fil-A in Midwest city to let her borrow them. I met this woman through craigslist. I get on there often to look for toys for Raegan, I happened to look on there one night and saw her post:

"Hi fellow I have a request lol I had my baby girl August 31st at 4am...she was premature, and weighs only 4lbs 10ounces now, she had to be admitted in the NICU because she kinda crashed after about 24 she has been there ever since (its been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least.)I have two other children who where born preemie but never had to be admittied to the its all new to me, I didnt breastfeed with them, but had decided early on that I was going to with Kaelynn. Well lucky I did cause its one of the things getting her better quicker, only problem is, is that I have been released from the hospital (today) and she is still there...she cannot actually feed from the breast so while I was there I was pumping so that she could still have it and so my mik wouldnt dry up. I REALLY want to continue breastfeeding her but dont have a pump to pump my milk while she is in I was wondering if someone had an electrical pump that they could just loan me until baby gets home because this has taken an emotional as well as financial toll on although I would LOVE to buy a pump to keep at home I just cant afford to right now...I have my own attatchments and stuff from the hospital but really need a pump. We where so unprepared for her when she decided she didnt want to cook anymore I am just praying someone can help that we can help her and bring her home!!! Also if anyone has any preemie girls outfits that you are willing to pass down that would be a blessing as she is so tiny we didnt even think to buy any and just cant afford it right now with having to drive from Norman up to the hospital every three hours for her to feed...Lord help us!! Please also keep her in your prayers...if you can help in any way please please contact me, I will do whatever I need to do to bring my baby home and make sure she isnt sick. We dont have hardly anything for her but I just want her home!!! Thank you for reading this and God Bless!! "

I guess the Lord heard her prayer, because my heart went out for her, we've been emailing back and forth and Kaelynn has two types of jaundice, one is attacking her liver, please keep her in your prayers! She has a great mommy who is doing everything she can to take care of her.

Raegan and I ate dinner at Chick-fil-A then played in the play place. Raegan went up the stairs in the play area for the first time. She was following another little girl and seemed fine, until she couldn't figure out how to get out and started crying. I had to climb up in the play area to get her and we slid down together. The rest of the time she decided to just play in the toddler area and wouldn't go up the stairs.

When we got home we went out and feed Lincoln and watered the tree. Then I gave Raegan a bath, dressed her in her pjs, read a couple books, nursed and put her to bed. We had a great day together, even if I didn't get anything on my to-do list done, oh well!

Oh I almost forgot, last night we went to Shane and Felicia's weddding. Felicia used to work with Philip, here are a couple of pics...

Couldn't wait to go in the church...Didn't want to sit down on the pew...Dancing/Singing at the reception...Enjoying some Maggie Moo's icecream at the reception...
All partied out, laying down on the dance floor...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

2 days till game day!

So Philip has agreed to write a post about his experiences with Raegan while I was away, but right now he is super busy! The first OU game is on Saturday and he is hoping that all 80K+ fans will want to eat Chick-fil-A! Ok, so maybe he is more realistic, but that is what I am hoping for! So today I went out and helped him get the concession stands ready. He has been working so hard to get all of this to come together. No one has ever sold CFA at the OU football games, so Philip started with a lot of negotiating of prices, product offerings, locations, etc... He has also had to put a lot of work into getting signs and menus made specifically for the stadium, hiring good people to just work those 6 home games, as well as buying tents, hand washing stations, cash registers, and lots of extra chicken and all the other secret ingredients that go into making those awesome sandwiches! Tomorrow he will be working on electrical "elements" on the fryers, I think I'll help make labels for the cash register buttons or anything else that doesn't require touching raw meat or tough manual labor ; )

Here are a couple iphone pics from today: