Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year - new me!

Well I still haven't made any New Year's Resolutions and my husband thinks they are silly, but I feel like even if I don't call them "resolutions" looking back at the past year and setting goals/aspirations for the new one is important.  Plus our outside christmas lights are still up, so I think that means I'm not too late to make 2011 goals (hmm I don't like that word too cliche') thoughts.

So here are a couple of my thoughts:

Talk less, listen more - this has always been a struggle for me

This past year I realized that some of my best friends, the ones I can call anytime, the ones I can tell everything too, the ones who we can go weeks, months or even years without talking and then pick up a conversation like no time ever passed don't live near me, they actually all live in Texas.  This next year I plan on doing a better job at keeping in touch with them!

Take my vitamins!  Raegan is still nursing and not only does she take alot of calories from me she also gets a lot of my nutrition/vitamins etc... I've definitely noticed that since I haven't been taking my prenatal vitamins regularly, my hair isn't growing as fast, my nails are weak and brittle, and I don't have as much energy. So I'll make this one of my 2011 resolutions thoughts. 

There are probably many more things I could improve on, but I've been listening to KLOVE and if I don't keep my resolutions thoughts short and simple, I probably won't be as successful. 

Also our church is starting a 21 day period of fasting starting today, Monday, January 10th.  We believe that by giving, praying, and fasting we can get rid of some of the "gunk" in our lives and make more space for God.  Philip and I have both made choices to fast these next 21 days.  Please keep us in your prayers as it is still early and I have already been tempted twice today!

You can watch some of the recent sermons from Pastor Clark at the link above.

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