Monday, January 24, 2011

Wow, what a week!  This past weekend my mom came in town and drove me and Raegan to Kansas for the Beasley family Christmas on Jan 15th (just a little late).  We got to hang out see our family and exchange gifts, swim in the hotel's indoor pool, and then while the other adults went to a concert I hung out in the hotel room with Katelyn (13), Braden (12), Corey (11), Kylie (8), and Raegan (1).  We ordered in pizza and watched the Miss America pageant and then How to Train a Dragon.  None of the kids had ever seen a Miss America pageant!  This was really surprising to me, seeing as it was a grand event every year at my house when I was growing up.  The funny thing was they kept asking me questions like: "How many episodes are there?" "Are we going to find out who wins tonight?"... To them it was just like any other reality tv show, when I explained to them those were real girls, one of them said, "I think American Idol is live." They made me feel really old, especially when it was after 11 and I could barely hold my eyelids open and they were hyped up on sugar!  It was definitely a good time.  We didn't get up and out of the hotel as early as we had planned the next morning.  My mom and I were both really tired.

Raegan and Katelyn enjoying ring pops!
On the way back from Kansas, we stopped in Edmond to visit some family.  Kara, my 2nd cousin once removed (confusing I know), now lives in Edmond.  She is a year older than me and has a sister close to my sister's age.  They used to live down the road from my grandparents in Kansas and when we would go visit we'd go to their house or they would come to my grandpartents' to play.  I hadn't seen Kara in over 10 years.  She has 4 kids now, the youngest ones are twin 3 year old girls.  Raegan had fun playing with them and they liked not being the youngest while Raegan was there.  Kara's mom was also there and the four of us (my mom, Kara's mom, me and Kara) had a lot of catching up to do.  I'm hoping I'll be able to meet up with Kara for playdates or lunch sometime when work slows down.

This week was my first official week of busy season.  I'm currently working on two clients simultaneously, feels kinda like a juggling act, but it keeps things interesting!  Wednesday night Philip and I met with a Chick-fil-A consultant for dinner.  We're really excited about possible future opportunities and all the changes they may bring!  An ice storm blew in early, early Wednesday morning.  Robby (Raegan's daycare teacher and Wednesday night babysitter) sent me a text EARLY Thursday morning to let me know the daycare was going to be closed for the day because of the ice.  Philip still had to work on Thursday, so I stayed home and worked from my laptop.  We had small group Thursday night.  We are working through a series called, 'Tough Questions.'  It helps us grow stronger in understanding and defending why we believe what we do.  This week the question was, "Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?"  The Bible teaches that there is no other way to salvation than through Christ. Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There are multiple verses in the Bible that teach this; therefore, I feel that if you believe in the Bible, then the answer to the 'tough question' is YES.  I'm really enjoying this new series we are doing, they make for great discussions. I'll keep sharing along the way.

Friday after work I went and picked up Raegan from daycare.  She was in a different room because a group of daycare teachers were bleaching all the toys in her normal room because one of the little girls in her class had thrown up.  Raegan seemed fine, but on the drive home I reached back and touched her hand and noticed it was very hot.  We sat down to have dinner, but Raegan wasn't interested in eating.  She wanted to sit in Philip's lap, so he held her while he finished dinner.  The next thing we knew she was throwing up all over.  We gave her a bath and not soon after she was throwing up again.  This went on all night, we gave her tylenol for her fever and made a pallet for her to sleep on next to our bed.  We had multiple instances Friday night and our washer and dryer were running nonstop.  Raegan probably went through 7 different sets of pajamas that night.  She's had times before were she's had a 24 hour stomach bug thrown up a lot over night and then maybe once or twice the next morning and then been fine.  But this wasn't like that, all she wanted to do on Saturday was sleep on me.  Philip was at work on Saturday, so it was such a quiet house, I got a lot of sleep as well. She ended up getting dehydrated and we went through so many diapers.  Even with getting extra sleep, I was exhausted from carrying her around all day and all the clean up I had to do.  Saturday night wasn't much better, in fact in may have been a little worse.  Philip and I were talking about taking her to the Children's hospital just in case it was something other than the flu.  He went and bought some pedialyte and we let her have apple juice instead of water, which she was much more willing to drink. She's doing better now, but still not 100%. 

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